CHAPTER 1 [my life now]

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Every day is the same. I wake up early, chuck on some random clothes, shove my hair up in a pony tail, then head out to the shit hole, (aka school).

I never used to be like this. I used to take pride in my appearance or whatever, but since dad died its not been the same. You see, my older brother, Spencer, left to live with our uncle, my dads brother - his way of feeling closer to my dad since he says he feels like he didn't appreciate him as much when he was here with us. He broke up with his long term girlfriend Syd and lost my dad all the same month. My dads death affected him the most. I haven't seen him in a year, he tries to keep in contact, but sometimes it's hard.

As for me, I like to think I'm doing fine. I've been helping mum out a lot. I think she's finally accepting everything. Of course it took a toll on all of us when dad died, then Spencer leaving shortly after but, I think my mum is finally in a good place and we are getting our life back together. My younger brother Elliott is doing just fine, he was only 5 when we lost dad and only just turned 7, so he doesn't remember much.

But anyway, every morning I stick to the same routine. I make sure my brother is awake and to always give my mum a kiss on the cheek and to tell her I love her every morning without fail, as I walk through the door.


I walked into the door of Edgewater High. I look down at my timetable and realise it's Tuesday, great I have English first. I walk in and see a teacher I've never seen before. I guess we have a substitute teacher. I take my seat next to Tess, my best friend. "Heyyyy chica" I say sitting down, "hey Grace" she says. I laugh as I sit down next to her. "Hey I was thinking about going shopping later after school if you want to come" she says. I hesitate to answer, "I er, I cant today" I mumble, "oh please Grace its been forever since we've hung out, outside of this school and your bedroom" she says, raising an eyebrow, giving me them puppy dog eyes that only really work on her dad when she wants money. But I give in anyway, "fine, but not for long" I say, a huge smile forms on her face, "yessss" she says, a bit too loud than what she was possibly hoping for, we both laugh a little.

As the last of the students roll into the class the bell goes and the teacher standing in front of us tires to catch our attention. "Class settle down please" she says, raising her voice a little. "Okay that's better," she smiles. "Right, I'm Miss David and I am your substitute teacher since Mrs Harper went on maternity leave" she says. "She was pregnant" Zach shouts from the back confused, everyone starts laughing. That's Zach Herron, he says stupid stuff all the time and seems to get away with it because most girls seem to think he's cute, but I guess he's actually nice when you get to know him, I don't really know. It earns him a slap over the head from his best friend. Jack. Jack Avery. I have a complicated past with him. I don't think you can really call it my past, but there's some history there.

I've never really sat down and had a conversation with him. It's normally just awkward smiles and glances in the hall ways. I don't really know any of the boys from that group, and by that group I mean, Jonah Marais, Zach Herron, Daniel Seavey, Corbyn Besson and of course Jack Avery. Its the group of boys that every group of girls in this school obsess over. I never really saw what was so special about them, they're just guys. It was always them 5 that stuck together. You never saw one and not another. It was weird like that, but then again you never really saw Tess without me either.

As the lesson goes on, I learn absolutely nothing. Literally, the teacher blabs on about Romeo and Juliet all lesson even though she didn't believe it when Zach told her we'd already learnt it. But then, why would she believe some one who didn't know their own teacher was pregnant, I mean she had quite a huge stomach he couldn't of thought she was just fat. The bell goes and we all leave the classroom, some in a rush, some hesitantly and some groaning about what they have next. The day goes on as any normal day for me in Edgewater High. In my last lesson, I find myself praying for that last bell to ring so I can shoot out of this prison. And just like that, as if the Gods were listening to me there it goes. I shoot up out of my seat and shove everything on my desk into my backpack, not even caring about crumpling the papers, that would probably be useful, but ones I won't look at again. Slinging my bag on my back I grab my phone out of my pocket to text Tess, but of course I already have a message from her.

Tess: outside, see you in 5 xx

Me: be right there xx

I meet Tess outside and we finally go and shop, her sister Erika takes us since she drives and she was going to the mall anyway. "Mum wants you back for dinner, so don't be too late home" she tells Tess as we jump out the car. "Yes I know, I can be responsible sometimes Rik" she says slamming the door behind her, causing me to jump. "Where first" I say after hearing Erika drive off. "I don't know about you but I'm in need of a coffee" Tess says, I laugh knowing exactly where were going. "To starbucks it is" I laugh. After ordering and getting out coffees, we walk around for bit going in and out of shops picking up little things here and there for me, and of course Tess brought pretty much a whole new wardrobe since her dad gave her that card the other week. But then...we got bored. "Okay I'm pretty sure I have completely wiped the mall of all the clothes" Tess says, holding up her bags. I laugh. "Okay I think we should get going" I say. she nods in response.

As we turn the corner I bump into someone causing them to spill their entire drink all over my white top, "oh my god" I say, looking up and then quieting down when I realise who it was. Jack and his little possé. "I'm so sorry" he says in shock. "It's fine" I say looking at my feet, and pulling my jacket more over my chest to try and cover the stain. "No really Gracie I didn't mean it, I wasn't looking where I was going and didn't see you" he says, no one calls me Gracie any more, only my dad used to call me that. "Yeah me either" I say, still trying to avoid his gaze. "Oooo, Jack is sorry" I hear Corbyn blurt out, "oh and her called her Gracie" Jonah mocks, holding his heart and make sad eyes, while he and the others hold back their laughter. "Shut up dude" he says shrugging them off, "come on Jack, it's just a top lets go" Zach says, "yeah it's just a top Jack" I say trying to make him leave. "Fine" he says, "come on boys" he says walking past me. I see every one of the boys look me in the eyes as they walk past, Daniel more sympathetic than the others. "They're idiots, come on Grace lets go" Tess says rubbing my back. I nod and we leave. Like I said, I don't understand why so many girl obsess over them.

I walk in the house and try to get upstairs before mum sees the massive coffee shaped stain on my shirt. Fail. "What happened to you" she says as I try to bolt it up the stairs. "Nothing just walked into someone at the mall and spilled my coffee all over myself like the clutz I am" I lie, giving a slightly forced smile. "Who" she asks, "I don't know some random guy, my fault though, of course" I lie even more. "Okay just put it in the wash or maybe even the bin, I don't think that stain is coming out any time soon" she laughs a little. I do as well. "Sure thing mum" I say. I carry on upstairs. I lie about Jack because if my mum knew it was him, I don't think I would've got that same reaction.

I change immediately, feeling much more better in fresh clothes that weren't drenched.. I sit down on my bed and put on some '13 reasons why', since the new season came out yesterday and I haven't had the chance to watch it. (A/N: shout out to this series, I literally fell in love with it). I hear my phone beep and I don't expect to see what pops up.

@jackavery followed you on Instagram

jackavery has added you as a friend.

jackavery is typing...

I hesitate to open my snapchat not knowing what to expect but I do it anyway.

Jack: I'm sorry about today I didn't mean to spill my drink all over you

I message back,

Me: it's fine, its only a shirt

Jack: so were cool?

Me: as ice cubes.

I lock my phone and leave it aside. Jack fucking Avery.

For this story imagine all the boys as single, still in high school and all the same age (16), just for the story line to make sense, and sometimes the boys may be shown in a bad light just for the purpose of the story. Enjoy, kisses
- Pinky <3

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