CHAPTER 23 [never drinking again]

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"Hey baby girl" Jack says walking towards me. "Hey, watch your mouth Avery" I say pushing him away as we both walk into school. Yeah, I remembered what happened the other night and I'm so angry with myself. Jack however, refuses to let it go. "Come on princess" he says, "Jack, I was drunk, you were drunk, we were both just being stupid, I'm never drinking again" I say to him, "fine, be that way, I'm going to be the one to win the challenge" he shrugs as he walks over to the rest of the guys waiting by the lockers.

I walk over to Molly who is waiting by mine. "Hello" I say smiling as I approach her, "help me get Zach off my back" she says in disgust, "your fault, you got too drunk and went and fucked him" I say pausing, "twice" I laugh. "Ugh, I know, I hate myself for it, I'm never drinking again" she says turning her back towards the lockers and putting her head back so it hits them. I laugh, "whatever you say" I say opening my locker to take out my books, "I mean, I remember what the sex was like and it was good but no, I hate Zach" she says and I stop her talking, "I do not want to hear about your sex life with Zach Herron" I say shutting my locker door, "it was good sex" she says in defense, "too much information" I say shutting my eyes in disgust, "fine, how's lover boy" she asks.

I roll my eyes as we begin to walk to class, "if youre referring to Jack, then lover boy no more" I say, "come on, you kissed him, you can't expect to just let that go" she says, I face her closing my eyes, "poof gone" I say finally opening them, "fine, whatever, he's not going to give up" she says, "I was drunk, I didn't mean to do it" I say in hope she'd let it go, "you weren't drunk enough that you remember it in as much detail as you told me" she looks at me, I look to the ground in shame. Maybe the sober part of me wanted to kiss Jack too, but I refuse to admit that. "I can't let myself feel this way" I say quietly, "you can't stop yourself from feeling what you do for him" she says placing a hand on my shoulder, "I'll consider Jack, if you go on a date with Zach" I say smiling hoping she'd says no, "fuck no" she says just like I knew it. I smile in relieve.

We go to English and sit in our seats. Minutes later Zach and Jack walk into the classroom glancing over at us. Instead of moving to sit in their own seat they make their way over in our direction. There was a guy sitting either side of me and Molly blocking them from sitting next to us, but of course that didn't stop them. Jack glares at the geeky boy sitting next to me, "move" he says and the boy quickly stands up out of his seat and scurries off to another. I roll my eyes and Jack sits down, "hey baby girl" he says sitting next to me, "you don't have to be such a dick, could've asked him to move politely" I say slightly annoyed, "oh, now we both know that's not how I roll" he says placing his hand on my thigh. I twitch at the contact as a smile grows on Jack face. I look over to Molly who is now siting next to Zach. She has her heads in her hands as Zach blabbers on about something random and I can tell she's not enjoying it.

I look back over at Jack who is still eyeballing me with those sparkling brown eyes, "remove your hand" I say to him, "why, it's comfy there" he smirks as he raises it higher. I'm wearing shorts since today was hot so his hand in placed on my bare skin and the contact is driving my crazy with how high his hand is. I push his hand off and refuse to look at him. I hear him chuckle as he opens his book, "I'm already winning Gracie" I hear him whisper, "well, we'll see about that" I say and I could see a permanent smirk grow on his face from the corner of my eye. I smile to myself and open my own book.

Throughout English Jack kept trying to annoy me in which I ignored him and Molly and Zach argued a lot, almost like a married couple. Soon enough Zach will give up and then that's where Molly will realise she might actually like him. The bell goes and I rush to get out of the classroom. "Hey Grace slow down don't leave me with this idiot" Molly says, "idiot? You know you practically begged me to..." Molly cuts him off, "Zach I was drunk it didn't mean anything" she says, "certainly didn't seem like it" Zach smirks, "fuck you Zach" Molly walks out the classroom side by side with me throwing Zach a middle finger as we leave. We mange to get out the classroom before the boys, I realise I have maths next and my heart sinks to my stomach as I feel my face drop, "what" Molly asks, "I have maths, with Jack" I say, "good, I can practically feel the sexual tension between you both" she smiles, "shut up, you can't talk" I say as we begin to walk , "hey, I'm giving Zach a hard time, if he really wants to try then he wont give up" she shrugs, "so you do like him" I say, "nope, just the sex" she says, and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Grace wait up" I hear and I turn to see Jonah jogging over to me, "oh hey" I say, "so, you spoke to Jack" he asks, "not you too" I roll my eyes, "come on, at the party I saw another side of you and Jack" he says, "yup, a drunk side" I say, "all I'm saying is that, if you and Jack actually tried, it would be good for the both of you" he says, "thank you Jonah, I've been telling her this all day" Molly says, Jonah laughs a little, "oh really, and how's Zach" he asks her, me and Jonah burst into laughter, "okay, I don't like you anymore, be gone" Molly says shooing Jonah away, "see you later Grace" Jonah smiles "bye" I say as he walks off to re-join his group. "See, I told you" I say to Molly, "we will not speak of what happened at that party" she says and I laugh even more, "I mean it" she starts, "I'm never drinking again" we both say in sync, knowing she was going to say it. We both start laughing down the hall way on the way to maths.

As I leave Molly to walk into maths I realise Mr.Hernand isn't here. I look at the lady sitting in his chair and decide to ask her where he is, "err Miss," I say getting her attention, she looks up at me with soft eyes, "sorry to bother you, but where is Mr.Hernand?" I ask her, "oh, he's sick, he'll be back tomorrow" she smiles, I nod and turn around to take my seat being confronted by a curly haired boy standing before me. I groan slightly, "what" I say, "nothing princess, lets take our seats" he says throwing his arm around me. I don't bother to brush his arm off, we both walk to our seats. I sit in mine and he sits in the one behind me, his usual seat which is weird because he has started sitting next to me, "not sitting next to me today?" I ask turning around to face him, he smirks, "I like the back view" he says, "why are you always so sexual" I ask, he leans forward on his desk closer to me, "because I'm using it to my advantage to win this challenge" he almost whispers, his voice runs through my ears as it repeats what he said. I smile and start to trace circles on his arms, Jack looks down at my hands and I see him slightly blush, "awe Jack, I'd love to see you try" I smirk as I turn to face the front.

I'm starting to realise I could have some real fun with this challenge and for me to torture Jack by teasing him is something I want to see. I can't wait for everything that's going to happen. "So class, as most of you have probably realised Mr.Hernand is out sick today so I'm here to cover his lesson, he's left sheets at the front of the class for you to complete, so come and collect them" the substitute teacher says smiling, taking her seat again. I take this as an opportunity to torture Jack, since I'm wearing shorts and Jack sits right behind me I use it to my advantage. I stand up and pull my shorts up making sure to do a little jump, I already know without even looking that Jack would be starring right at my ass. I turn around to see his eyes wide, I giggle a little when he raises his eyes to look at me, "want me to get you a sheet" I ask, "err, sure" he says a little shock, "close your mouth Jack" I whisper in his ear before I leave to get the sheets.

I am so going to have so much fun with this, Jack is weak and now I know exactly what to do to make him crack. I barely did anything and he could barely say a sentence. I walk back and give Jack his sheet making sure not to even look at him whilst I sit down. I get on with my working not speaking a word to Jack at all, not even glancing at him. He thought I was weak but I could easily torture him and he'll loose, I hate loosing, I always win.

When the bell goes I quickly get my stuff and leave, again not saying a word to Jack or even looking at him for a split second. As I walk out the room I feel someone grab my waist and pull me into an empty classroom locking the door behind us. I get pinned up against the wall and Jack is starring deep into my eyes, "yes?" I say, he lets out a snicker, "you cannot do that to me at the beginning of a lesson then don't speak to me at all" he says, "why, it is a challenge Jack and right now you're loosing" I say to him placing my hand on his chest. Jack looks down at my hand and then back at me, "I don't loose" he says, "neither do I" I say pulling my hand up to scoop around his neck and rest it there, "you have no idea" Jack begins, "what?" I say cutting him off.

He leans closer so I can feel his hot breath on my neck, sending shivers through my entire body, "you have no idea what I would love to do to you right now" he seductively whispers in my ear, I can feel my heart rate pick up, "ooo, class room sex hey? One of your many kinks" I whisper back at him pulling him closer to my body so he is now resting on it, pushing through the torture of him being so closer. I cant feel Jack becoming restless, and I can tell the teasing is getting too much for him to bare. "You want to know my kinks" I hear him breath out, "well haven't I got to know what you like" I whisper, he lets out a little chuckle and then pulls away from me taking at step back, "you're good" he says smirking, "I know, just hope you can handle it, because right now I'm winning" I wink at him before unlocking the door and walking out leaving Jack there in shock.

Don't ask me what changed in the space of an hour because I don't know myself. What I do know is that I am totally winning this challenge. Jack doesn't stand a chance.

The Exception// Jack Avery [1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin