CHAPTER 35 [goodbye molly]

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A week into summer and it's time for Molly to leave for La. I wake up beside Jack, who is still peacefully sleeping. I smile down at him. I pull my phone from the side table and take a photo of him becase he looks so adorable and the same time, how? I scroll through my instagram and my snap chats. I see that Molly has messaged me.

Molly: spending the morning with dad, then going on a date with Zach, do you and the others want to come around tonight one last time since I leave tomorrow morning? I beg xxx

Me: we'll be there, you know it, have fun today xx

Jack slowly stars to wake up, he groans when he opens his eyes. "If thats what you think when you see my face in the morning then I'm hurt" I laugh, "baby" he smiles big and pulls me into a hug, "can we stay here forever" he says, "I wish" I say. After a few seconds of laying like that I speak again, "Molly wants us and the guys to go around tonight after her date with Zach" I say to him, "oh shit yeah, it's her last day here isn't it" he says whilst grabbing a shirt to put on. "Yeah" I say looking down a little, "I know youre gonna miss her Gracie, but she'll come a visit all the time, we can visit her too" he smiles, "I know it's just going to be wierd not having her in school for the entire year" I say,"I know baby girl" he says pulling me into a hug. He kisses my head, "PANCAKES" we hear shouted from downstairs. Me and Jack smirk at each other. I jump on his back and we run downstairs. We demolish our choclate chip pancakes in seconds, "hey, I wanted another one" Isla moans, "Jack's a pig" Ava says laughing, "Grace too" he says in defense, "I've only had 2 Jack, you've had 5" I say to him. The girls laugh and Jack rolls his eyes in defeat.

After a few hours of chilling in next to nothing and watching movies in Jacks bed we decide to get ready. I wear a pair of denim jeans with rips and a grey nike jumper, Jack however of course wears his black jeans and a long plain black top, "please wear some colour" I say to him, he rolls his eyes, "fine" he says taking off his top and going back to his closet. After a few seconds of looking he pulls out a baby blue top with some random print on the front. "Happy now" he smirks as he puts the tshirt on, "yes" I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck, my hands start to fiddle with his hair causing him to smile, "I do love your curls, even if they're not real" I joke, "hey I always said curls get the girls" he says, I laugh as we join our lips in a kiss. "You ready princess" he asks me, "yup" I smile.

When we get to Mollys the door is open so we walk right in. Corbyn has already raided the cupboards for food, I laugh as I plonk myself down next to him stealing a few cheetos. Jonah and Daniel are playing on the playstation and Zach and Molly are cuddled up in the corner of the couch. "How was your date" Jack asks them as he sits near them. Their smiles grow bigger as their faces become more red. "Zach said I love you first" Molly screams, I laugh, "I did not you said it" Zach says facing her, "now, Zach, don't lie now" she says, he rolls his eyes. "Awe cute" Corbyn screams, I laugh at him as he stuff his face with more cheetos than I thought was possible. I look over to Jack and his face kind of drops a bit. I think nothing of it and carry on talking.

"Okay idiots, I will be back in a minute, I'm talking to Grace in private" Molly says as she grabs my hands and drags me off into her kitchen, "woah" I say laughing a little. When I face her I see she has a serious expression on her face and I start to worry, "what is it" I say, "I wasn't going to tell you" she says, "Molly spit it out" I say to her, "your mum came by" she says, "okay, why wouldn't she you are her niece" I say trying to act like it didn't bother me, "she was looking for you, she thought you were staying here" Molly says, I feel my heart sink. "What did she say" I ask, "she said she wanted you to come home" she says, "what, no, I'm not" I say getting angry, "she kicked me out" I nearly shout, "I don't know why okay, she just wanted you there, but I have a feeling somethings going to happen, so be careful" Molly says, "nothings going to happen, she will not come and find me, she's disowned me, that's that" I say, "she still loves you Grace" Molly says, "yeah, well she has a funny way of showing it" I scoff, "please, it's my last day I don't want you mad at me, can we just have fun" Molly says, "I'm not mad at you Molly, it's fine, and yes we can have fun" I say smiling even though it was a little fake. "Promise" she says, "I promise" I say, she smiles as we link hands and walk back into the lounge with everyone. Truth is, I wasn't mad at Molly, not one bit.

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