CHAPTER 14 [alison?]

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I sit in maths waiting for everyone else to arrive. only a few people are in the class and the bell goes in five minutes. I sit scrolling through my phone under the desk, in case Mr.Hernand walks in the door. If he's in a good mood, he'll tell me to put it away, but if he's in a bad mood, he'll take it out my hand and lock it in his desk, and to be honest, I don't really want that to happen. Suddenly, everyone starts flooding the room, Mr.Hernand shortly behind. "All of you get in, the bell goes in two mintues and all just wondering along the corridor, get in" I can hear him say, and he's not in a good mood, I'm guessing. A few people laugh as they sit down, whereas the others stand talking to their friends before they even start thinking about taking their seat. "Hey, Jordan, seat now, move" Mr.hernand says, yup, definately not in a good mood. He starts to write on the board after he closes the door. The class is silent. Mr.Hernand is usually an easy going teacher, but when he gets into a bad mood, he's like a rabid animal going to bite your head off.

After 20 minutes of starting our work the door opens, "ah, Jack Avery, welcome back" Mr.Hernand says. I freeze in my seat as me and Jack make eye contact. I didn't know he'd be in today, I didn't know when he was going to come in at all. It's been 3 days since I spoke to him last, since we had that argument, where we decided on going back to hating each other again, and I don't know if I could handle him sitting right behind me. "Glad to be back" Jack says sarcastically, "I'm throwing you a welcome back party, my room, lunch time, you've got yourself a detention for showing up 20 minutes late" Mr.Hernand smiles sarcastically. "It's a date" Jack says and rolls his eyes as he begind to walk to seat. He then stops when he realises I'm still starring. I change my glance to look down at my paper and I quickly start to write.

"Err, Mr.Hernand" I hear Jack say, "yes Jack" Mr.Hernand says not even looking up from the work he's doing on his desk, like he knows what he could get asked might not even be important for him to give his full attention to. "Could I sit somewhere else" he says, causing Mr.Hernand to look up from his work and glare at him, and for me to look up from frantic scribbling of random numbers. "You have a seat, sit there, I'm not fussing around" Mr.Hernand says looking back down at his papers. Jack turns and starts to walk up the isle to his seat, behind me, I try not to make eye contact with him, but it's too hard not to stare at him when he had just obviously tried to move away from me, causing other people in the class to stare in our direction. When Jack finally takes his seat I sit there for a moment to think about what just happened. I brush it off and carry on with my work. Jack is not going to bug me today. All of my thoughts of him have gladly left my mind and I am now zen. I'm fine really, I'm just going to do my math. I'll be fine, he can't bug me. "I need a pen" I hear Jack shout, it's like he's trying to bug me. He probably is.

The bell goes and we move onto our next class, I try to pack my things quickly so I can get out the door before Jack and then run In the oppostie direction so I don't bump into him. But, of course, that doesnt work, because Jack doesn't bring anything to school but himself, and some times not even that. So my attempt of fleeing didn't exactly work, in fact when I start walking I walk straight into Jacks side. "Fuck" I mutter underneath my breath, "what was that" Jack asks, "I said fuck, didn't mean to bump into you" I say, trying not to let it bother me too much. "It's cool, you should watch where you're going though" he says, he then walks off and out the door. I wait a few seconds then do the same. I make my way to my locker before my next class and see Jack leaning against it talking to a girl, that I believe is called Alison, but goes by Ali. She's friends with Tess. Well, not just Tess, that whole group, which, of course, are standing on the oppostire side of the hall. "Hey Jack, you're back" I hear Zach shout from behind me.

The entire group walks past me and over Jack, Corbyn however walks over to one of the girls in the group and swings her arm around her. I believe her name is Christina although I'm not exactly sure. Jack must have made up with the boys when me and him ended whatever we had. Jack greets the boys as he normally would and even introduces Ali to them as well from what I can tell. "Hey idiot, stop starring" I hear Megan shout, causing me to look away from Jack and towards her instead. Maybe I was starring for too long. I turn and walk to my next class, completely abandoning the idea of going to my locker. I'll just tell my teacher I forgot my book at home in hopes hell believe me because no school book deserves that much of an awkward moment.

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