CHAPTER 4 [date?]

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It's the weekend, finally, and I have no plans...sadly. Tess has gone up to her grandparent's for the weekend meaning I have nothing to do. I might end up laying in bed by myself watching old school films whilst eating a lot of food. Yesterday at school I got dragged along with the boys all day since Tess didn't come yesterday either. I've also been getting closer to Jack, and I'm happy about that because we're proving our parents wrong, even though they don't know we even talk...and they probably shouldn't.

My phone rings and I already know who it is, I answer without even looking at the phone. "Jello Avery" I say, "hey Grace" he says, I can practically see his smile on the other end of the phone. I smile to myself, "I imagine you're calling to drag me out of my comfy bed?" I ask, "oh my god, how did you know" we both laugh. "Seriously you're still in bed" he says, "of course Jack, it's a Saturday" I say, "I planned a thorough day with me, my bed, junk food and a date with netflix" I say, "well sorry to ruin your plans Gracie but get changed, I'm dragging you to a park" he says, "oh, and bring your skate board, I'll meet you at the corner in an hour" he says, then hanging up, not even giving me a chance to say yes or no.

I laugh, throwing myself back onto my bed. After a few minutes of thinking I pull myself up and try to find someting to wear. Nice and easy, an over sized jumper with ripped jeans. I decide to leave my wavy hair down but remembering to put a hair tie on my wrist just in case it bugs me throughout the day, which most likely it will. I grab my phone and shove it into my back pocket and I pick up my skate board and head downstairs. "Bye mum I'm going out" I say, "where you going" she asks stoping me, "just out with some friends" I smile, "Tess doesn't skate" she says, imediately knowing I lied, "I'm just going out and about to skate since I haven't done it in a while" I say, "okay fine" she says, "bye mum, love you" I shout, she stops me just before I close the door. "Did you get a new skateboard?" she asks, "err no just put some stickers on it" I smile. "Okay sweetie have fun, love you" she says, "love you too" I say walking out the door and letting it close behind me.

That was a close one. I skate to the corner and Jack's not there yet so I text him and wait.

Me: here, where are you

Jack: be there in a minute x

As I wait I scroll through my instagram when I hear Jack coming and turn around to face him because I know for a fact, he's going to try and scare me. "Don't try it" I say and he laughs. "Okay, come on then" I say, we both put down our skate boards and ride together to this skatepark around the corner. No one was there so we had it to ourselves. My phone keeps beeping with messages and I've been sneakily checking them when Jacks not looking. "Who's that" he says, catching me out, "oh no one " I say, "ooo it's a boy" he says coming over, "maybe but I can't tell you" I laugh, "I'll get it out of you" he says, "yeah whatever" I laugh. "I will" he says, "no you won't" I say in protest.

He stares at me with death eyes, then he runs up to me tries to snatch my phone out my hands. We both laugh as we try to wrestle each other. I try to fight him off but becase he's bigger and stronger than me it's not as easy. He chucks me over his shoulder, I scream for him to put me down, "I swear to god Jack you're going to drop me you idiot" I shout and he's in hysetrics as he puts me down. "Jheez Jack" I say looking him, laughing. He walks closer to me and looks deep into my eyes and everything goes fuzzy. Then boom, my phone is ripped out my hands and are in his. "Got it" he shouts and runs off to the other end of the skate park.

I run after him, "Jack don't look please" I laugh, "oh" he says turning around, "it's Daniel" he says, "yeah, we've just been talking a bit more it's not what you think" I say, "why what do I think" he laughs, "come on Jack" I laugh. "No it's fine, Dani's a good guy" he says handing me back my phone smiling. "I don't even think he's my type" I say putting it back in my pocket, "oh you have a type" he says, I push his arm back and we both laugh. "If he asked you on a date what would you say" he asks me and we walk back to our boards. "I dont know" I say, "maybe yes, just so you'd stop bugging me about not even going on dates" I joke, "oh shut up no I don't" he says. "Oh really" I say dragging on the last word. He rolls his eyes.

"We should get going" he says, "yeah sure" I say. We skate back and decide to get coffee before we actually go home. We go the café down near my house on the corner. After ordering we sit down to talk as we finish. "So what is the deal with you and Daniel then" he asks, I roll my eyes. "Like I said Jack, we're just getting to know each other like I am with all the boys" I say, "yeah but you don't text them as much as him" he says, "awe are you getting jealous Jack, don't worry no ones gonna replace you Avery" I say and he gives me a weak smile. "Awe you're actualy getting jealous" I say, teasing him, "no I'm not" he laughs, "come on Avery, me and you are finally friends" I say, "I know, I ain't jealous" he laugh, "okay okay" I say.

I get another text from Daniel and I look down and try to hide it from Jack. "What" he says, "erm nothing" I say putting my hand over the screen. "Come one Grace I can read you like a book what is it" he says, "erm Daniel just asked me out on a date" I say hesitantly. "Oh, wow, you're finally going on a date" he laughs getting excited, "I haven't actually said yes" I roll my eyes, "but you're going to" he says, "you need to start going on dates Gracie, you're 16 and never had a boyfriend or any guy really" he says, "fine then I will" I say giving into the pressure. "Good" he smiles slightly.

I message Daniel back saying yes. I guess I'm going on a date then.

"Oh it's tonight" I say, "well best get home to get ready then" he says, I roll my eyes. We both stand up and head back to mine. Well the corner of my road. We stand there talking for a bit before we decide we should be going. "Thank you for today Jack, I had  good day, better than what I was going to be doing" I say, "no problem" he smiles. "Have a good time tonight" he says as I start to walk off. "Yeah, thanks, I don't know what's going to happen so might turn to you for back up" I say, "hey, I'm a ladies man, I don't have that much experience with guys" he winks. I roll my eyes, "hard to believe" I shout, he laughs covering his face as I turn back around to face him.

I watch him turn the corner again and then I walk down the street a little before turning to my house. Ugh, I'm dreading this date. I don't know what to do. I've never been on a date before. I didn't even know Daniel thought of me like that. I'm hoping I don't screw it up otherwise I'd never be able to live that down since Jack will continue haunting me with it. I walk in the house and its quiet. I go upstairs and see a note on my bed,

gone out with Elliott to the park, be back later  -mum xx

Well, guess I came home at the perfect time then.

Before I know it, its 7 and Daniel's picking me up in an hour. "Sorry Jack I have to go and get ready I didn't realise the time" I say to Jack on face time, "okay Grace" he says, "have fun, bye" he says "see ya" I say ending the call. Great now, what to wear.

After 20 minutes of throwing things out my wardrobe I finally fine something to wear. A cute little white dress that I paired with white converse, since Daniel said dress casual and I didn't want to over dress by forcing myself into heels. After 30 minutes and ready and waiting for Daniel. "Oooo you look nice" my mum says peering around my door. "Thanks" I smile. "You going on a date" she asks, "just a little thing with a friend" I say, "so a date then" she says and I laugh, "yeah I guess" I say, "oooo who is it, do tell" she says acting like a 13 year old girl. "No mum" I roll my eyes, "okay fine" she says, "have fun" she smiles, "I will" I say and she leaves my room.

I get a text from Daniel saying that he's outside and quickly take a photo of my outfit to send to Jack before I leave. Well, I do wonder how this is going to go.

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