CHAPTER 13 [happy]

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I walk in my house and Spencer is still here, he hasn't left yet despite him saying he had a flight at 10, and it's now 1. We lock eyes as soon as I close the door, drawing attention to myself. It's just him, alone. I don't know where mum is, since she doesnt have work today. I think about talking to him, and when I open my mouth to tell him everything, he glues his eyes back to his phone. I walk into the kitchen and pull out a water bottle. Right now, I'm trying to work up the courage to speak to him, to tell him I'm sorry. I shake myself out of it and head into the living room. I stand in the door way waiting, he hasnt seen me yet. "I thought your flight was at 10" I say, he turns his head to face me, "rebooked the flight" he says, "oh, okay" I smile lightly, and he resumes back to his phone. I walk around the sofa to sit down on the couch next to him.

"I'm sorry" I'm able to say, "for everything" I say, looking at him, and he's already starring, looking confused. "I should have listened to you and mum about that family and I regret ever getting involved with Jack" I say, and Spencer's face relaxes. "I hate him" I say, "I hate him for every he has ever done, or said, and especially for ripping me away from my family, I know you and mum hate me and I hate him even more for that, for ruining my life, or what was good in it, thanks to him, I have no one, and I can only hope that you'll forgive me" I say. "I forgive you" he says, in which a small smile creeps onto my face. "Really?" I say, "of course, you aren't the first person in this family to get pulled in by one of the Avery's, I get it, and I get what you're going through, mum might take a bit more effort to make it up to, but I forgive you Grace" he says, I pull him into a hug, and for a small second I feel like I have my brother back.

He pulls away and he has a smile on his face. "I never meant to disappoint you or mum" I say, "I didn't realise what was happening until it was too late, but I'm done now, I promise I'll never see him again" I say, "you don't need to promise me anything Grace, since I moved away I've focused on becoming a better person" he says, "I've learnt to forgive instead of holding a grudge, you're my little sister, my only sister, I love you Grace" he says, and I smile. "Thank you, I love you too Spencer" I say. at that moment, my mum appears in the door way of the living room, teary eyed, causing me to do the same. "I'm so sorry mum" I say, letting a tear fall, "I'm sorry too Grace" she says, barely getting the words out. I pull myself off the sofa and over to her, in which she pulls me into a huge hug, and Spencer joins just after.

I have my family back, and who knew all I needed to was to say sorry. My family isn't one to be known to forgive so easily. So I'm surprised and grateful that they understood what I had to say and accepted my apology and welcomed me back in. I have what I have and I am happy, I've lost what I have lost, and I am still happy, (A/N - my favourite quote) and nor Jack or anyone else can take that happiness away from me.

"Okay, now can we stop being soppy gits and talk about what your doing Spencer, are you staying or going" I laugh, my mum and Spencer join too. We pull out of the hug whilst me and mum wipe our tears away. "Okay, so I've decided to stay for a little while, maybe a week or two, then I'm going back" he says, "yay more time to spend with my brother" I say hugging him, "yes you have me all to yourselves" he laughs, "I am going back though, after sometime, I've built a life for myself out there and im happy with how it has turned out" he says, and I smile, "sounds like you really turned your life around since you left" I say, "only for the better" he smiles, "I'm glad you have, I'm proud of you Spencer" my mum smiles, "your dad would be so proud" she says, and Spencer smiles to himself and I can tell by that one smile that he is truly happy.

Before he left, I had never seen him worse. It looked like he had constantly been crying and always drank to take the pain away. Sydnie was the first girl he ever truly loved, and they were together for a long time. They got together around the age of 16, and were engaged very young. They broke up when Spencer just turned 19. The same day that dad died. I'd never forget it. Because of the break up Spencer got into trouble that day and walked into the house dripping with blood from some crazy druken fight he had gotten himself into. Whilst me and mum were trying to help him get sorted, we got the call that dad was behing rushed to the hospital. Spencer then collapsed when he heard the news, the doctors said he had fainted due to lack of blood and alcohol use. We took him to the hospital as well going to see if my dad was okay. They took Spencer in instantly, and 10 minutes after arriving we were told that my dad had passed. It was the most horrific day for our family. And it's the first time I've really thought about the entire day in detail since a few weeks after it had happened. I tired to forget it. But it was just too hard.

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