CHAPTER 41 [a promise]

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"Promise to call me in an hour" Jack says hugging me tighter than ever, "I promise" I mumble along with sniffs and tears threatening to spill. "My mums going to kill me" I say into his chest, "and who cares" Jack says making me laugh a little. We pull away from the hugs and look into his eyes. "What am I going to do" I say realising that I only have a few more hours left to spend with Jack, "you'll be fine baby, I promise" he says kissing my forehead. I smile at the cuteness. "Okay you need to go" Jack says looking down at me, "I don't want to" I say looking down at the floor. Jack gently lifts my face up so our eyes meet, "if you go now, we'll get more time later" he says smiling a little, "okay fine" I say. After a few seconds my lips are on his.

We both pull away and I turn around quickly to walk off. I feel Jack's hand slowly loose grip of mine as I walk further. I turn around to see him smiling. "Don't forget to call" He shouts waving, I laugh to myself, "I'm not stupid Avery" I shout back to him, "debatable" he smirks. I rolls my eyes and watch him turn the corner before I continue walking to my house.

My hands start to shake as I lift them up to open the door. I don't know what I'm going to be facing in the other side. My mother is going to go crazy. I take a deep breath and walk in. I see no one in the hall which means my mum is either in the kitchen or upstairs, otherwise she'd have seen me. I quickly rush upstairs to try and make it to my room. Just as I thought. Walking up the stairs and walking straight into my room with no trouble would be too easy. "GRACE" I hear my mum shout as I approach my door. I pause in my tracks and turn around to see her standing half way up the stairs. My heart begins beating harder and I cant find any words to say. "Where were you" my mum says, clearly angry. I think before I say anything because I don't want to get her even more angry. "I wanted one last night with my friends mum, I might not see them again for a long time" I say, stuttering on almost every word. "What friends" she says sounding calmer, "wasn't Jack was it" she says almost spitting the words at me. "NO" escapes my mouth quickly, "just Jonah" I say quitter this time, trying to avoid eye contact. "Pack the last of your things up, we leave for the airport in 2 hours" my mums says quietly as she walks down the stairs.

I let out a huge breath. I don't think she believes me since I was out all night. She definitely doesn't believe me. She's never going to trust me again, ever. She hates me.

I walk in my room and close my door quickly behind me. I look around and see boxes piled on top of more boxes. My room is bare. The only furniture left in the room is a bed that hasn't been slept in. I sigh as I push past the boxes to lay down on my bed. I look up at the ceiling at the photos. I wanted to take them down last because my room wouldn't be my room without it. I don't think I could have slept in my room without them up. "Gotta take them down Grace" I whisper to myself. I pull out the envelope of mine and Jacks photos from my pocket. I place it on my side table and stand up on my bed to take the others down. I only just mange to reach. I take them down one by one making sure to look at the closely. I take down the photo of me and Spencer at his first football game, he was only 9. I take down the photo of me and my mum from mothers day when I was 12, it was the year dad decided to take us camping. I took each and every photo down reliving the memories.

By the time the final photo was down I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Tears of happiness, sadness and hurt. All the photos represent a special memory to me, although some hurt because dad isn't with me anymore, some are sad because life isn't as easy as it was when I was 9, some are happy because during that time, I was happy and life was good. I put all the photos in a small pile and placed them in the envelope along with mine and Jacks photos. I opened one of my moving boxes and hid the envelope in a book so my mum wouldn't find them. I close the box and sit down on my bed to take everything in. I'm really leaving. I'm leaving everyone behind and I cant do anything about it. I'm leaving Corbyn, Zach, Jonah, Daniel...I'm leaving Jack. I finally got Jack back in my life and I'm leaving him again. I wanna run away, I don't want to be in this situation, but I cant. Where would I go. I've got no choice, my mother is my mother and even after everything that's happened the past few weeks, I still love her.

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