CHAPTER 38 [packing]

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I walk in my house making sure to quickly shut the door to make my way upstairs. Just when I thought I was succeeding I hear my mum shout from below, "and where have you been" she asks in a spiteful tone, "no where" I roll my eyes still not looking at her. I make my way up he stairs ignoring every word hat comes or her mouth, "how dare you leave" I hear her say, "don't come crawling to me when he breaks your heart" I hear her say, "better get packing we're leaving in three days" is the last thing I hear her shout before I slam my bedroom door shut. I roll my eyes and flop down face first on my bed. I groan to myself.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend most of the day packing then I've decided to sneak out to see Jack again tomorrow night. I don't want my mum to hate me forever but I have to see Jack. I need to see Jack. I can't stay away from him. Something strong pulls me towards Jack and no matter what I do that pull doesn't break.

My phone starts to ring and I look to see who it was. Mollys display picture pops up on my screen for face time and I think seeing her face might be what I need. I answer it after about two rings and she is sitting in her room smiling big. I smile to myself as I push myself up onto my elbows. "Hey" she smiles, "hey" I say, "okay what's up I've not even been gone for 24 hours" she says, some how knowing something was wrong, "well I'm moving to La" I say looking down, "yay" Molly screams, I look up at her and when she sees my face she calms down and realises something has happened, "your mum found out" she says, "yeah, but you don't know the half of it" I say to her weakly, "well I have time, tell me everything" she says placing her phone on her desk so it is propped up to see rather than her holding it. I do the same but lean mine against a pillow. I take a deep breathe before speaking knowing I'm going to end up letting it all out to her over a face time call.

I wake up still in my clothes and wrapped in a blanket rather than actually in my bed. I look at my phone and see it's 10am. I also have a message from Molly,

Molly: you fell asleep so I ended the call, I'm so sorry I'm not there but you're going to see me soon, even if it's not your choice to come here at least you'll have me, love you always xx

After reading it I lock my phone and get up to sort myself out. When I walk out my closet with my clothes my door bursts open and in comes a running and happy Elliott. "Grace you're back, you're really back" he screams as he leaps into my arms. I smile down at him, "I told you I wasn't going to be gone long" I say still hugging him, "did mummy tell you we're going to live with Spencer" he says excitedly when I put him down, I nod a little, "yeah she did" I say awkwardly, "Mummy packed my things when are you doing yours" he asks tilting his head a little, "I'm going to do some of it today and the rest tomorrow" I smile at him, "okay" he says making his way to my door, "we have pancakes" he says before leaving my room, "tell mum I'm not hungry" I say to him. He nods and then shuts my door.

I get changed into leggings and an oversized grey jumper I have tucked away for when it's cold. Today isn't cold but I feel like I should be wearing it. It was my dads jumper from a few years before he passed. It still smells like him. Only the slightest but I can still make it out. I spend most of the day packing as much as I can with the boxes my mum has gave me.

After a few hours I find myself laying on my bed flicking through Instagram and answering snapchats from the boys since they've been asking what the hell is going on. Out of everyone Daniel seemed the most upset, excluding Jack of course. When I told Jonah he said that he thinks it's unfair I have to leave but he understands the situation. Zach on the other hand said he was 'ready to throw hands', whatever that means. He said he doesn't want Jack moping around forever upset which just made me feel even worse about everything. Corbyn promised that all the guys would come up to visit me and Molly because he thinks it's even more of a reason to come and visit LA, he was sad that I'm going but excited to see me again.

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