CHAPTER 5 [maybe not]

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I smile at my phone as I open the snapchat from Grace. She looks nice in her little white dress. "Ew what are you smiling for" I hear Sydnie say, I look up, "nothing" I say, "is it a girl, oh Jack it's a girl isn't it" she say sitting next to me on the couch, "it's just a friend" I say, "what's her name, come on" Syd asks me, I turn my phone off, "no because you won't approve" I say laughing, "oh god its not another trouble maker is it" she says, "shut up, she's really nice and it's not like that" I say, "then tell me who it is" she asks. Here it goes. "Err, its Grace" I say, and I see her face drops. "Grace Lee" she manages to get out, "yeah" I say looking down, "as in Spencers sister Grace Lee" she says shifting a little. I knew I shouldn't have told her.

"Yeah, sorry" I say, "Jack don't trust her" she says, "it's not even like that okay" I say, she stands up, "don't get involved with her like that, you know what would happen if you did" she says standing up and slighlty raising her voice, "it's not like that okay, we're just friends, plus she going on a date with Daniel tonight" I say in defence, "good" Sydnie says lowering her voice. "Sorry for raising my voice" she says, "it's fine", "look Jack..." she starts and I already know what she's going to say. "Look I get it Syd okay, but we're not you or Spencer" I say, "I know you're not, just don't get too attached" she says, "I'm not, believe me, like I said she's dating Daniel, we're just friends" I say, "I thought she was just going on date with him" she says raising her eyebrow, "she is, now just drop it" I say, "fine" she says walking off. I stop her before she leaves, "Syd" I say catching her attention, "yeah?" she asks, "don't tell mum please", she gives me a weak smile, "sure" she says, then leaves.

I sigh and throw my head back. Bad idea telling her. I knew I'd get this reaction.

A/N: I'm not going to be writing about the date, so there's going to be a time skip to when Grace comes home.


I get home after saying goodbye to Daniel. He told me on the date that he liked me and just wanted to see if there could be anthing between us. I agreed because I didn't want to be rude, but really, I don't really see Daniel like that at all. He's a really nice guy and a good friend but I don't know, he's just not what I really look for in guy. Maybe I have set my standards to high like Jack said, but I know, Daniel is not the guy for me. This means im going to have to tell him, I don't want to be mean, but I can't keep it from him - he deserves to know the truth.

I decide not to tell him right after the date since he might think I've been fake with him the whole night. It wasn't a bad date or anything, it was nice, but maybe not really what I was hoping for. I walk in my house and see my mum sitting on the couch with Elliott fast asleep on her lap watching the Lion King. "Hey mum" I say, "shh, please don't wake him, he didn't sleep so I put a film on for him" she says. "Oh okay sorry" I whisper and sit down next to her. She lifts Elliott up and lays him down on the couch with a blanket over him. "Come in the kitchen and tell me about youre date then, I'll put him to bed in a minute" she says walking into the kitchen, I follow.

I sit on one of the stool as my mum goes in the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. "So how was it" she says after taking a sip and placing it back down on the counter. "Alright I guess" I say, "come on, details" she says. I tell my mum everything except when it's something that really needs to be hidden - Jack for example. "Oh well, we got there and it was nice, he took me to the movies and we saw a hilarious film, but I dont know, I dont think I really like him like that" I say, "what his name" she asks, "Daniel" I say, "ooo nice name, why don't you think you like him" she asks. "I dont know, there's nothing bad about him, he's literally the sweetest guy ever but I think I've set my standards too high" I say laughing a little.

My mum walks around the counter and sits down next to me on anoter stool, "I feel like I need to like him though because of how nice he was to me, I'll feel bad" I say, "oh Grace, if you don't like him, you don't like him and that's that, you can't force yourself into anything, if you like someone you'll feel it instantly and shouldn't have to pretend, you have to get over your fear of hurting peoples feelings and just be honest" she says rubbing my back, I nod. Maybe she's right. "And it's only the first date Grace, don't put so much pressure on yourself" she says smilling at me. "Yeah, I get it mum, thank you" I say, "any time" she smiles pulling me into a hug. "You go to bed I'll carry Elliott up to his room" she says pulling out of the hug. "Okay mum, goodnight love you" I say standing up, "love you too" she smiles.

I walk upstairs to my room and flop on the bed. I look at my phone and see I have a few messages from Jack and even a miss call. I text him.

Me: hey just got back, what happened?

Jack: oh nothing I'll tell you tomorrow or something, how'd your date go?

Me: alright I guess but I dont think I've found my perfect match

Jack: oh

Me: yeah, oh, I don't know I just don't think I like him like that

Jack: well there's other people out there, just let him down easy

Me: yes I know

Me: so what did you need to tell me?

Jack: I'll just tell you tomorrow, did you have a nice night at least?

Me: yeah it was nice

Jack: good

Jack: I'll see you tomorrow for some math?

Me: sure

Jack: night Gracie xx

Me: night x

I lock my phone and put it on charge as I get changed for bed. I turn on netflix and watch some 13 Reasons Why, because you know I'm absolutely obsessed with it. Maybe I shouldnt have gone on that date? I mean, I didn't even feel like me and Daniel could be like that. Yeah, maybe not.


Slightly shorter chapter but i wanted to start a new day at the beginning of the next chapter! How you liking it so far?

- Pinky <3

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