CHAPTER 3 [good guys]

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It's Thursday and I wake up and actually feel like putting some effort into my appearance. I woke up feeling good which is something that hasn't happened in a while. I get up, put some nice clothes on and I even put some make up on for change. I smile as I walk out the door, making sure to shout 'love you' to my mum before I close it behind me. I start walking down the street and it's fairly quiet with distinct chatter of people talking on their way to school. I look around and I don't see anyone I know, which is normal since I don't talk to the people who live near me because they're classed as the 'popular kids' and I'm just boring Grace, the smart girl who does her work and only has one friend. I like it like that though, no drama.

I put my ear phones in and turn my music up, jamming to One Direction alone. Yes I know, One Direction, but hey, they have good music and I'm not ashamed. I block out everything around me and focus on the sound of Harry's voice and smile to myself. I'm in my own little world when someone zooms past me, making me jump. I look up and see none other than Jack Avery. He motions for me to take my ear phones out and I do, slighlty confused as to why he's here.

"Erm, hi" I say, confused and raising an eyebrow at him, "hey" he smiles, "what are you doing here, you don't walk this way to school" I say, "I know, but then I know you don't walk with anyone so why not walk together" he says picking up his skateboard. "isn't your possé waiting for you" I say, "nope I told them to leave without me this morning" he says, "awe how romantic" I say sarcastically, I roll my eyes. "Hey just trying to be nice" he says, we both laugh. I look down at his skateboard, "you're going to get that confiscated again" I say, "not if I speed off on it and the teachers don't catch me" he winks. "You can't always get away with it" I say, "who says I can't" he smiles. "Come round my house after school" he asks, I was shocked, "what" I say, "for math" he laughs, "I tried to study last night and it is actually harder than I thought, I'm going to need some help" he nudges me, "fine, I'm not doing anything" I smile, "good" he says. We walk the rest of the way to school joking and laughing. Nothing feels awkward.

We walk into the school together and get some wierd looks from the popular girls who obsess over the GOD that is just 'Jack Avery', and I'd forgotton it was wierd for us to be seen together until we walked in. "Loads of eyes on us" I turn to Jack, "yeah" he says. I spot the rest of the boys hanging around Jacks locker, waiting for him. They smile when they see us. "Okay I'll leave now" I say, "no, no its fine, come" he says gesturing over to the others. I smile. We walk over together. "Hey dude" Zach says, "hey" he says, "hey Grace" Daniel says with his piercing blue eyes, "erm, hi" I say looking down. "Guys what do you have to say" Jack says to them like a mother telling their children off. I get confused. "We're sorry about the other day Grace" Corbyn says, "yeah we were trying to annoy noodles over here" Zach says ruffling his hair, "hey, curls get the girls" he says fixing his hair. All the boys laugh, I do too.

"It's fine, really it's cool" I say, "if I got the chance to annoy him, I think I'd take it too" I say, "and you're hair really does look like ramen noodles" I says, all the boys laugh, "I like her, can we keep her" Zach says. We laugh even more. "We're gonna get along just fine" Jonah smiles. I smile big. The bells goes and immediately everyone start moving. "English" Jack says after Zach opens his mouth already knowing that he was going to ask what lesson he had. "We're this way, bye guys" Corbyn goes, "bye Grace" Daniel says to me as Corbyn, Jonah and him leave to go to another class. "Bye" I say.

Me, Jack and Zach start to walk to English, "wait youre in our class Grace" Zach asks, earning another slap around the head from Jack, "yes dumbass been in it since last year" I say, "oh, I don't pay attention at all" he says, "I gathered" I say looking at Jack whose already laughing. We walk in together and I don't see Tess. I pull my phone out to see she had sent me a text,

Tess: not at school today, sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I'm not feeling too good xx

Me: it's fine, hope you feel better soon :) xx

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