CHAPTER 37 [i need you]

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Just as I was about to leave the kitchen my phone beeps from my back pocket. I pull it out to see the message,

Jack: when you're feeling down lay on your bed and look up at the stars xx

I instantly know exactly what he means. I wipe my tears and walk up to my room. I hesitantly push the door open and walk in to see it exactly the way I left it, almost like it hasn't been touched at all. I go straight towards my bed and lay down on it to look up and my ceiling full of photos. I see happy ones of me and my dad along with my brothers and even my mum. All of cousins and a few of me and Tess. But I notice one that I've definitely seen before but it most definitely shouldn't be up there. It was the photo I had ripped up and threw in my bin when me and Jack had that fight. From where it had been ripped, it was taped together and I could still clearly see Jack. I don't remember putting up or even fishing for it out of my bin. I stand up on my bed and reach for the photo. I pull it down to stare at it. A small smile creeps across my face. My phone buzzes again,

Jack: look behind the photo xx

I quickly turn it over to see that the photo me and Jack had took was stuck to the back. We looked so happy even if we were pulling the most random faces. Another tear falls and lands on the photo but some how I'm still smiling bright. My phone buzzes a third time,

Jack: there should be an opening at the side of the two photos , look inside xx

I look at the photo harder and around the edges as well this time. I see that one side isn't taped and I can open it. I tip the photo sideways and a small piece of folded paper falls out the side. I pick it up and unfold it carefully to prevent any rips. Before I unfold the last fold I take a deep breath. I unfold it slowly and see that the paper is a letter from Jack to me. I recognise his handwriting straight away.

Gracie, if you're reading this right now something bad has happened. If it was my fault I'm sorry. You ripped this photo down a few days before Molly came back. It was still in your bin when she was here. When you weren't with her she took the photo out and taped it up. She noticed me in the corner instantly. She messaged me about the photo and it gave me an idea. I know you planned on putting the photo of me and you up but you didn't want to risk your mum seeing it, so I took it upon myself to do what you wanted. Molly gave me the photo and I wrote the note as well as sticking our photo on the back. Molly stuck it back up for me. She was sure you wouldn't realise unless I told you or it was pointed it out.

So I decided to tell you now. I told you now because I promised Molly and myself that I would always be here when you needed it. I screwed up bad before but I fought for you and hopefully I got you in the end. I care for you more than you know. If I hurt you again I'm never going to forgive myself. I'm sorry for anything I say that hurts you. I don't mean a single word.

If it's not me then I want to tell you to stay strong. You can push through this. You're the strongest person I know and you've been through so much. I'm here to talk. I will always be here to talk. I will always be here even if it doesn't seem like it.

I wanted this photo to be put back up because I know how much it meant to you for our families to be okay. I don't know if that could ever happen. But if it does I know you'll be the one to thank.

After you read this tell me, then meet me at the park in 10 minutes and bring your board. I'll be waiting by the swings like I always am.

Love Jack xx

I honestly don't think I could possibly care so much for this boy any more than I already do. Reading the note broke my heart but also mended it at the same time. I'm smiling a good smile right now and the thought of my mum has passed my mind. I pull out my phone and message Jack,

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