CHAPTER 10 [fuckboy]

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As me and Jack pick up our stuff and start to walk off, I see Alex and his friends making their way towards us out of the corner of my eye, "they're coming" I whisper to Jack, looking at the floor. "shit" he says, grabbing my hand as he starts to speed up, "hey hey hey" I hear Alex shout, making us slow down, "where you guys going" he says, we dont face him, "dont listen to him" Jack says, starting to walk fast again. "hey, I'm fucking talking to you" Alex shouts aggressively, causing us to stop. This is not going to go well. "Let me" I say, "what no" Jack says looking at me, "just stay here and try not to get involved" he nods slighty and I turn around to face Alex along with 3 other guys holding sateboards behind him.

He laughs, "well if it isn't just Spencer's little sister" he laughs slightly, " what do you want Alex" I say, he takes a few steps closer to me, now he's not as far away. "Oh I just wanted to know why you, especially you, are hanging around the skanks fuck boy brother" he says, "what did you just say" Jack says standing in front of me. "oh, I'm sorry, do you need me to speak slower for your dumbass to understand" he says, "you don't know anything about me or my family" Jack says, "I know your family fucked Spencer's life up" he says, "Spencer's fine, he's living with my uncle" I say, "oh you don't know the full story do you little girl" he says, "what do you mean" I say, "Spencer never did anything wrong, it was the skank who ruined everything" he says, "my sister is not a skank, and she didn't do anything" Jack says raising his voice and clenching his fist. "we're leaving" Jack whispers to me as he grabs my wrist and pull me to walk away. He grips my wrist hard, "Jack not so tight" I say, trying to get him to loosen his grip, "yeah leave her alone, fuck boy" Alex says. "he's not a fuck boy okay" I shout, "I wonder how Spencer would feel if he knew his own sister didn't learn from his experience with that family" he says, "fuck you" Jack shouts, Alex just laughs. "ha, fuck me, yes, maybe you should ask your sister what really happened" he shouts.

Me and Jack walk off, ignoring Alex's shouts at us. Until, one makes me stop in my tracks, "I saw Spencer the other day you know" Alex says, "what" I say, "yeah, he's coming back tomorrow" he says, "I bet he'd just love to know what I saw" he says, "you're lying" I say, "nope, very much telling the truth" he says, I look down. "okay I'll do you a deal, I wont tell Spencer, only if you let me give that little boyfriend of yours a beating for what his sister did to Spencer" he says, "no deal" I say, "why not, he's gonna be done with you within 3 days" he laughs, Jack start to storm over to him shouting and calling him a prick and all sorts. I grab Jack by the waist and pull him as hard as I can to try and get him to leave it, when finally he gives in and comes with me. "know what really happened, then maybe your loyalties will change" Alex shouts lastly, as me and Jack near enough run off the park and around the corner.

"What was that Jack" I say after he cools down, "he called my sister a skank if you weren't there I would have beat him to the ground for saying that" he says, I go quiet not really knowing what to say. "None of that was true, Jack, he was just trying to get under your skin" I say, "well he fucking succeeded" he says, "Jack, let it go he's nothing" I say rubbing his back. "This was supposed to be our time, just us two working stuff out and being happy, it's like the whole universe doesn't want us to be happy" he says, "Jack were fine, were friends okay, everything that happened at school is over" I say, "yeah, well I guess everyone seems to think I'm a fuck boy" he says, "Jack, it's over now" I say pulling him to look at me in the eye, he lets out a breath, "yeah, I know" he says cupping my face causing me to smile and him to smirk.

We walk back to the corner of my street and stand there for a few minutes. "you can come in" I say, "isn't your mum home?" he asks, "can you climb up a tree as well as climbing down one?" I say, he smirks, "you sure" he says, "just be quiet Avery" I say, he laughs, "as quiet as a mouse" he says. We walk down my street and just as we were about to walk in front of my house I stop, "okay, wait five minutes before you climb up the tree so I can distract my mum and open the window" I say, "yes ma'am" he says, I roll my eyes, "and Jack" I say, "yeah" he says, "don't fall, or break anything" I say smiling, "come on, I'm used to this" he says. I roll my eyes and walk up to my door. After taking a breath I push me door open. "Hey" my mum says making me jump as I close it. "Hi" I say, "you okay" she asks me," fine why?" I ask, "nothing just asking" she laughs, "Spencer's coming tomorrow" she says, "oh really" I say, already knowing that could be a possibility, "yeah, so don't go anywhere after school okay?" she asks, "why don't I just not go to school at all?" I say, trying to make her agree. "I'll think about it" she says.

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