Fuck Feelings

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(Hey! Summer break has started and my exams are done!!! )

Fuck Feelings.

Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em.

Jared had always thought that being in love was supposed to feel good, to make a person happier and calmer. Then again, he had never really loved someone until he met him.

Connor Murphy.

Fuck him.

Fuck him and his dumb, beautiful long hair and gappy, heaven-like smile.

Yeah, fuck you, Connor Murphy. Jared thought to himself as he stared at Connor from across the room. The boy was just sitting there doodling in his notebook, not paying attention to the teacher ramble on about Ancient Egypt.

Fuck him.

Connor smiled to himself as he completed a doodle, making Jared sag down in his chair.

Why. Why did Jared have to have feelings. They were gross and icky and left a pain in his chest. He hated feelings so much. He wanted to take an ice cream scoop and gouge his heart out of his chest. It would most definitely make him feel better right about now.

The bell rang and Jared sloppily grabbed his books, his feet dragging behind him as he walked. Connor brushed past him out the door, not even sparing a glance at Jared.

Jared got out into the hallway and watched the boy strut down the hall to his locker. He gulped and made his way past.

Jared walked behind Connor just as the boy pulled his book from his locker, causing Connor's elbow to bump into Jared's side.

"Oh, sorry." Connor mumbled, jerking his arm back and continuing what he was doing.

Jared gaped for a moment, stunned. "Oh, yeah, no problem, really." He laughed, quickly dashing away.

Ugh, fuck feelings.

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