Clue: Part 4

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(( Warning! Death and Past Abuse!
(( Also, I felt like I should've mentioned this earlier, but in this AU no one knows each other and Connor and Zoe are not related.

Evan and Jared exchanged a look before trampling back through the house, desperately trying to find the staircase as the screaming continued.

Finally, the two managed to locate it and climbed the stairs, then following the sound of screaming down the hall to a room.

Jared flung the door open to find Ms. Peacock shrieking at the top of her lungs, Mustard trying to comfort her, and a dead body in the corner of the bedroom.

"Get away from me!" Ms. Peacock backed away from Mustard. "It was you, it had to be you!"

Mustard scrunched up her face, "What! How on earth could it have been me!"

"You went one way, I went another! While I was searching another room, you killed him!" Ms. Peacock said frantically.

"And you think you wouldn't have heard me!" Mustard crossed her arms, how do I know you didn't do it!"

"Do you think I'm dumb enough to have strangled him then called for help-"

"Enough!" Connor entered the room. "Before we go around making crazy accusations, why don't we look at the body, hm?"

Jared was both comforted and frightened by Connor's presence. Even though he knew Connor would never hurt him, could he have hurt someone else?

Evan slowly made his way over to the body and leaned down, before lightly prodding the body. "Well, rigor mortis has set in, so he'd definitely been dead for a while."

"Great, so crazy Mr. Boddy there had a dead body in his house before we got here, go figure." Mustard huffed.

"Is it Mr. Green?" Jared asked.

"No, he's too old to be Mr. Green, he couldn't possibly be a student." Ms. Peacock objected.

That was definitely true, the man had slightly graying hair. If Jared had to guess, he would've said the man looked to be in his late 40's.

"Well here, let me see." Evan awkwardly began to dig through the man's green waistcoat, until he pulled out a green envelope.

Everyone in the room went silent as Evan began to read the letter out loud,

"Dear Larry Murphy,"

"How nice." Jared snorted, before he was shushed by Ms. Peacock.

"I am pleased to invite you to a special dinner party on the evening of October 30th. Now, I know you're a busy man, but I do think I have something that might pique your interest. You see, I have stumbled across some information regarding your company, specifically the financial stability of it. I do wish for you to come, as I'm you don't want this information out in the public eye anymore than I do."

"That's outrageous!" Mustard slammed her hand on the wall.

"Sincerely, Mr. Boddy." Evan finished.

    Jared felt an uneasiness in his stomach, his letter had sounded eerily similar to Mr. Green's, er, Larry Murphy's.

    He just hoped that the group wouldn't be reading his letter over his dead body.

    "How did he die?" Connor asked, staring at the cold figure before them.

    "Uh, I don't know," Evan searched the man a bit more. "Poison maybe? He doesn't have any sort of marks. It could've been natural?"

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