Chapter 17: So That's Where I Know You From...

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We were currently sitting in Professor Oobleck's class room and I had my head down, but unlike Jaune, I was awake and listening to the conversation.

As Oobleck continued to talk about the Faunus Rights War or 'promise' war, I felt someone tapping my shoulder and opened my eyes to see Odran's teammate Neil Platz.

Neil: "So... um, I just wanted to say thanks for helping out with Cardin and the rest of his team of jerks..." he stated as I closed my eyes and smiled, shaking my head slightly.

Y/N: "No need to thank me, I'd do the same for anyone." I stated as his look of nervousness became a blank mask that looked REALLY similar...

Neil: "Really?" he stated "That doesn't sound like you... C/N..." he whispered and my eyes went wide with both anger and shock.

Mimic: (In head) "HOW DID HE KNOW ABOUT THAT!!!" he roared as I scowled at the Lionfish Faunus.

Neil: "Now, now..." he stated with a slight smile on his face "No need to get testy, I won't tell anyone, you did save my life..." he stated as I remembered were I had seen that look before.

FLASHBACK – 4 months ago...

I was currently sitting against a tree, cleaning my longsword, Vengeance, when I was approached by a Fang member with a fish style mask on.

Fang Member: "Hey, your C/N, right?" he said as I looked up at him narrowing my eyes at him, though he couldn't tell because of the mask.

I simply shrugged and continued to clean my blade, an awkward silence filled the air...

Fang Member: "I... just wanted you to know, that you're a hero, a really good guy..." he started as I mentally scoffed.

Y/N: 'Trust me 'Brother' if you had seen some of the things that I have done, you wouldn't be praising me...' I thought as I looked off into the distance and saw a trio of people walking forward, the leader as she seamed to be, had black ash-like coloured hair and burning amber eyes.

Y/N: 'What are a bunch of humans doing here?' I thought to myself as the Fang member looked over at the same group, a similar frown on his face.

Fang Member: "Weird, what are humans doing here?" he said though there was more curiosity in his voice than anger.

The group left as quickly as they had arrived and it looked like they didn't get what they wanted.

I smirked, knowing that Adam probably threatened them to leave alive, or in body bags.

I went back to cleaning my blade when the Fang member in front of me suddenly wolf-whistled and, despite the irony, I looked up to see what looked like a black ribbon flow into the main tent. I then gave the fang member in front of me a 'Really?' look.

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