Chapter 37

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I turn on my heel but no one's there, I shake my head and continue walking. I'm still paranoid. I have the feeling of someone watching me but there's never anyone there. I always kept my senses on alert when I'm alone, being alone is one of the worst things that can happen to you. No one to watch your back. No extra hands to carry supplies. No people to save. I geuss its not all bad. Having no one to slow you down is a great bonus of travelling alone.

I hadn't noticed how lost in thought I was until I ran into a light pole. I stumble backwards rubbing my forehead. "Stupid pole, it's not like you work anyway," I wave my hands at the pole as if it could talk back. I walk around the pole giving it a dirty look and keeping my eye on it until I felt like I was a safe distance away.

After my fight with an inanimate object I had realized I forgot to even keep track of where the truck had gone. All I had was general direction and a hypothesis that they were going to pay Murphy a visit. This was very little to go on especially considering the rough situation occurring. I stop in my tracks and let my backpack slide off my shoulders, letting it fall to the ground with a small thud. The pain hit so fast I didn't know what was happening other than the fact I was exhausted. I hadn't slept in days. I fall to the ground falling asleep as soon as I make contact.

The sound of footsteps wakes me up from my much needed sleep. I pry my eyes open finding a small group of people surrounding me. They all noticed my open eyes and scattered to the trees and bushes around the road. Ignoring them I go to grab my backpack from where it landed next to me, but it's not where I left it. I jump to my feet in a foggy panic. I spin in circles looking for where I left it until I see a little boy carrying it on his back. I take a step towards him but he takes one back. Forward, back. Forward, back. I slide down onto one knee and beckon him towards me. All I needed was my pack then I could get out of this creepy, movie-like situation. He takes one hesitant step towards me but stops in his tracks once again. 'why is he being so difficult' my brain was nagging at me. I was getting frustrated. I reposition myself and stand back up. I took this chance to observe my surroundings. Lots of trees, and bushes. Lots of people. A fence. Z's. Another fence. A person with a g-g-gun. My heart dropped to my feet and dread started flowing through my veins. I had been captured by Murphy.

Maybe I had dreamt of running into the light pole. Maybe I was abducted whilst sleeping. I had so many questions and I had just the man to ask. The Murphy himself.

A/N: sigh I haven't updated in forever, I've been so busy with school. I'm currently taking two high-school classes (one being a foreign language) so I have alot on my plate recently. As I've probably said before I'll try to update more. I realize I never update more and because of that I feel like people have stopped reading and I feel horrible about that but I can't change it so I'll have to live with it.

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