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Ruen moved in with me but each of us might as well be living in the farthest opposite corners of the world. Two weeks after that night, I've barely seen her.

For the past weeks, I've immersed myself in work, happy to escape the moment, pretending to be someone else.

"How's my favorite actress?" My manager, Rachel, greeted me as I relaxed back in my trailer.

"Favorite, huh? I better be! I'm busting my chops to earn you some money." I said playfully.

"To earn, 'you' and 'me', money, darling." She said, handing me coffee.

We've been pulling a couple of all-nighters to catch-up with scenes that will possibly be delayed by the oncoming rainy days. It'll be harder to shoot outdoors then so everyone's working on the double.

I raised a brow at her.

"Oh, I forgot. You're already loaded and not in this for the money." She sat on the couch and took a sip of her coffee.

"So, how's married life?"

I nearly choked on my coffee. I looked left then right just make sure nobody's around to hear her.

"You know I'm starting question why I told you that," I said, mildly annoyed.

"Hey, I'm your manager. You gotta keep me in the loop in case you got yourself caught in the shit you've created. I'm also your friend, practically the only best friend you ever had but didn't invite to your wedding. "

I let that one go. She's still sore on that point.

"Have you apologized?" She prodded.

"Why should I apologize?"

"For being a total A-bitch," She said matter-of-factly.

"It wasn't my fault she was eavesdropping. How was I to know?"

And damn it!

Every time I close my eyes, I see her standing there with her fingers on her lips. Smiling that smile that I'm starting to hate.

"In my defense, I was drunk."

"Yes, you were drunk off your ass, mouthing and telling your parents off. Said hurtful words. Broke things."

And broke hearts...

"Have you talked to your parents?"

"I did. They understood that that was the stress and the wine talking. We're all good."

"Well, not all."


I could practically hear the word coming from her accusing eyes.

"Whose side are you really on?"

"Yours, of course! However, you must remember that she's on the same boat as you. She's as trapped as you are. And, if I recall correctly, you told me she tried—a last-ditch effort to warn you off."

"Don't do the second thing you'll end up regretting in the end."


"Acting out in anger."

"What's the 'first' then?"

"Marrying into the Vasquez family."

Well, shoot me for doing both!

"Again, in my defense, I was a poor drunk."

"Again, I say 'apologize'." She said, looking at me over her coffee cup.

"Did you seriously just come all the way here to pester me into saying sorry? I must not be paying you enough," I said playfully.

She grabbed the nearest thing and threw it at me. Good thing it was just the neck warmer.

"Oh, shush!" She said, laughing.

Moments like this make me forget, even just for this moment. After a while, her face has grown serious again. I straightened up and put my cup down, "Ok. Lay it on me."

"There's been another article about you, Mr. Steinfield and his wife."

"What is it this time?"

She turned her tablet on, scrolling for the article.

"Another photo of you and that person arguing last week."

"What's the write-up? Did we end up gauging each other's eyes out? So tell me, was it her or me that miscarried as a result of the catfight?" I said as I reached for the tablet from her.

"It's getting worse. Why can't you just stop seeing each other?"

"Honestly, you already know the answer to that."

"Oh? 'Honestly', Lia. Walk away and let go."

"I can't. We're in love." I said, staring at her intently as if willing her to understand.

"In love? You may be 'in love' but both of you are married to somebody else."

"Why don't you understand?"

"Trust me, Lia, under different circumstances; I would've given 100% support towards your relationship. But not now."

"Why not?"

"Imagine the resulting uproar when this blows out of proportion. There are consequences when you take what isn't yours, Lia."

"It should have been us!"

"But you aren't. When the truth comes out, it's not gonna be just you and your family. You will also drag Ruen's and the Vasquez's reputation through the mud. It's only a matter of digging in the right direction to know you're now married too and who you are married to."

"I just can't... I'm trying but... We love each other."

"If that person truly loves you, you wouldn't be in this position now."

She stood and headed for the door. When she passed me, she squeezed my shoulder in a show of concern.

"No 'buts', Lia. Do it. Let go."

"I don't know how."

"You're the smartest person I know, you learn things fast. Try learning."

"Learn what?"

"To love that person a little less and yourself more. From where I'm standing, between the two of you there's not enough love to go around. You're giving too much and he's not giving anything back."

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