My Android Servant (Pt 2)

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"Gene... I'm bored..." Zane sighed, looking up at the Android.

"What do you wanna do?" Gene asked, looking over at him from the kitchen.

"I don't know... there's nothing to do ever since Androids came around..." He said, before quickly apologizing. "No offense."

"None taken." He replied, giving him a small smile.

The sound of a door closing made the two of them look away from each other. Garroth had entered the house, his own personal Android servant not far behind him. Gene looked back down at the cutting board, continuing to make Zane his lunch. Zane couldn't help but look at his older brother's Android, an Android that he had come to trust.

"I see Laurance is all fixed." Zane said to his older brother, continuing to color in some pictures. "After being... hit by a car?"

"Yeah..." Garroth sighed heavily, looking back at the Android. "They had to wipe his memory clean, though."

"Oh..." He trailed off, seeing the two Androids make eye contact.

"Were you apologizing to your Android?" He asked suddenly, looking back at Zane.

"Yeah..." He said slowly, nodding.

"Androids are pieces of plastic and metal, Zane." He sighed heavily, shaking his head and crossing his arms. "Not human beings, Werewolves, or Meif'was. They don't have emotions."

Behind him, Zane could have swore he saw Laurance roll his eyes. He had always liked the sassy personality that the Android had been programmed with. He had been disappointed when he found out that the Android had been damaged, and needed to be sent to an official repair shop. Yes, he was his brother's personal assistant, but he and Zane got along just fine. He had been an actual friend to him.

"Sure they do." Zane said, picking up a red colored pencil. "Laurance has emotions."

"Yeah, programmed emotions." Garroth replied, going into the kitchen. "Androids have artificial intelligence, so they have programmed emotions, but not real ones."

"I don't know, Garroth... their emotions seem pretty real to me.." He murmured, and his brother looked back at him for a minute.

"Listen, Zane...." He sighed, grabbing a water bottle. "I know you don't like to think that our lives are being destroyed by Androids, but you have to come to terms with these things."

Zane didn't say anything in return. Instead, he stood up, picking up his colored pencils and his coloring book. He gave Laurance a small glance, before retreating back to his room. He closed the door behind him, getting into his little makeshift tent in the corner.

A few minutes went by, with Zane just sitting there in silence, before there was a knock at his door.

"Who is it?" Zane called out, already getting up to open the door.

"It's me, your personal Android servant." Gene's voice came through, and Zane opened the door happily.

"Oh, hello Gene." He said, stepping to the side. "Don't mind my brother. He doesn't really understand you Androids.."

"His Android... his name is Laurance?" He asked, handing Zane his lunch.

"Yeah. He's really nice, and he's my friend." He nodded, his shoulders slouching. "Or... at least he was, but then his memory got wiped.."

"He got hit by a car, too?" He questioned, opening up the window. "All vehicles have motion sensors in them, so they would've been able to stop in time. Besides, no vehicle would be able to damage an Android that much."

"...... Because it's not what happened." He said quietly, sighing.

"What?" He asked, turning to face him. "What do you mean?"

"Laurance didn't get hit by a car..." He repeated, going over to his dresser.

"Then what happened?" He asked, taking the box and the key as they were handed to him. "Zane?"

"I can't tell you..." He told him, picking up his plate. "But photos in there will."

With that, Zane left the room in a hurry, closing the door behind him. Gene kept his eyes on the door for a few seconds, partially distracted by the MLH poster on it. He put his gaze back on the box, before inserting the key and turning the lock. Opening it up, he took out the items one by one.

A picture of Zane's family, with both of his arms wrapped around his younger brother's neck, and Garroth's arm on his head.

A few drawings of different worlds with Androids, most of which were peaceful utopias of equality.

Then... photos...

He picked up the photos carefully, taking in each one. Most of them were minor things, but he was hesitant when he saw one of Garroth literally dragging Laurance across the floor. Then there was another one, of Laurance dismantled on the floor of Garroth's bedroom, like he had been torn apart by brute force. Then the last one, of him being chucked out the window and into the street.

Gene could feel something inside of him. Anger? Pity? Fear? He didn't know what he felt, but he suddenly had a new disliking for Garroth. Would be just do the same thing again, now that Laurance was back? Would he do it to Gene?

Putting the photos, drawings, and the picture back in the box in the order they were in, he closed the lid, locking it back up. He set the box and key aside, standing up and heading for the door. He opened it, nearly hitting Garroth in the face with it.

"Watch it." Garroth said in a warning tone. "What were you doing in Zane's room?"

"I had given him his lunch, and then cleaned his room." Gene lied, partially telling the truth.

"Well I'm sure he needs you to do something for him, so get to it." He ordered, entering the bathroom.

Gene growled slightly, but still went downstairs. He saw Zane sitting at the windowsill, playing with what looked like a stuffed horse. He saw Laurance cleaning up the trash on the table, only looking up for a moment. They stared at each other for a long moment, before they went back to what they were doing.

"Hey, Zane.." Gene greeted, sitting next to him.

"I'm sorry... I wanted to tell you, I really did..." Zane apologized, before being hugged by Gene.

"It's okay, Zane.." He reassured him, patting his back. "Everything is gonna be okay..."

Zene Oneshots Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now