[ 01 ] eavesdropping

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TIME STRETCHES INEVITABLY slow as I wait in the deserted hallway for what feels like centuries, until I finally spot the long awaited target. Abigail Griffin appears around the corner and proceeds to walk down the hall with her chin held high, eyes darting around inconspicuously as if she's expecting a threat on her way.

I pull myself up from the position I had taken while leaning against the wall of the spaceship and begin strolling after Abby, greeting and smiling at some people on my way, while making sure to keep my distance between the doctor and I. We walk-- well, she walks, I just follow her creepily-- for a couple of minutes, when we turn right and are once again greeted by yet another long corridor. There's a sudden shift in the atmosphere and my movements almost come to a halt, eyes drifting around my surroundings. There, marching closer to our location, is father dearest. He walks from the direction Abby and I are heading in.

''Holy shizzle,'' I hiss to myself, body moving before my mind can register it. Upon further inspection, I decide to lean against the wall behind these three unsuspecting men that are casually conversing a few feet from the spot where my dad and my teacher now stands, discussing a sick mechanic. Could that be Raven? She's been MIA for some time now.

I curse under my breath after a short moment as my dad shuffles around and faces the direction of the Alpha station. Tilting my head down and letting my hair create a curtain around my face, I patiently wait for him to walk past me. A few moments pass and I decide it's safe to go, bolting after Abby. My legs move with speed I never knew I was capable of, driven by hope that she hasn't gotten too far during her head start and that I haven't lost the last chance to find out what she and Raven are up to.

The doctor and stalker, also known as me, reaches the final destination in a few minutes-- it's Mecha station, which I have visited on multiple occasions in the last 7 years. Abby sneakily disappears behind a set of heavy metal doors and I linger by it a couple of seconds before following her inside, making almost no noise while softly shutting the heavy door behind myself.

My muscles strain with the force, but I manage to succeed, tip-toeing through the room. It is filled to the brim with old, dusty tools in such diversity I never expected to see from a bunch of steel junk. I reach another doorway, and this time, it is wide open, allowing subtle voices to bleed through the quiet hum of machinery. Pressed up against the wall an inch away from exposing myself, I listen in to the conversation.

''How soon can you get this thing ready to drop?'' Asks Abby, voice so subtle it barely reaches me.

I barely suppress the urge to gasp out loud and swallow the ragged breath that gets stuck in my throat. If I'm not mistaken, that very storage room has been hiding an emergency pod for years now. Raven always used to whine about it just sitting there and collecting dust. So, I guess one of my theories about someone else joining the hundred on the ground has just been confirmed.

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