Chapter 42: Losing A Connection

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Ever since the falling out me and Jaida had Homecoming night I haven't heard from her. During Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break I didn't see her. I got so mad at her I blocked her on all of my social media accounts. Call it being petty, but I can't have it like this. We did send each other a Christmas present through the mail. Hopefully it won't be like this during the second semester. If it is I can't handle it. Today I'm spending Christmas with my Legacy family. Jojo and I have been getting closer. She isn't a replacement for Jaida because that's a void that can't be filled until we get back on good terms.

Jojo🤑: I hope you ready cause I'm coming in!👊

Me: So🙄I'm so scared

"La'Toya you ready?"


I wipe my face and Jojo grabs my shoulder.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine it's just the first Christmas without Jaida that's all."

"When I see her it's gonna be just me and her."

"Jojo nah. We not finna do that."

I manage to crack a smile.

"Ah ha got you to smile even tho I was serious."

"Come on or we finna be late."

As long as I have Ryan thinking I'm doing what he wants I get anything. I know I'm hurting La'Toya, but I gave her time after time to tell me what's going on. With me being with Ryan so much has happened. My parents came back and my grandpa is okay now. I'm not sure about taking the big step of letting him meet my parents yet. I even went to his and his sister's graduation. It was nice, but I didn't get a chance to go to his graduation party. It's funny how he knows everything about me and my life yet I don't know that much about his. He dodges the question every time I bring it up.

"Merry Christmas family!"

"Well Merry Christmas to you too Jaida."

My mom has my favorite breakfast laid out. I start eating it and like every family she starts the conversation.

"When should we expect La'Toya today?"

I swallow the food in my mouth and my stomach gets a queasy feeling.

"May I be excused?"

I leave out of the room before I give her a chance to answer my question. The doorbell rings I open it expecting Ryan, but instead it's the mailman. He extends a package out to me.

"I have a package for Jaida. Sign here please."

I sign and get the package. The first thing I want to do is shake it. However, I don't because it could be something breakable in here. I look on the box and see that it's from La'Toya. I roll my eyes and go in my room. I sit on my bed and put the box beside me. I stare at it for a bit and then my curiosity gets the best of me. I rip it open and see a holiday card.

It reads:

Dear Jaida,
I know we aren't on good terms, but I still love you. I know you don't know everything that's going on. If you had just given me time I would've been able to tell you. It's like me being an employee trying to run things like I'm a boss. I have to wait my turn. I just needed you to be patient. Well I guess I don't need to dwell in the past. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

With much love from ya big sis,


P.S. I hope you love your present

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