Chapter 3 (The Confrontation)

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We all ran beside each other while trying to get away from the demons. As we ran into the abandoned city the air started to get thinner.
"Protrocious is a weird name for a fictional city don't you think" Lily said while reading the giant billboard in front of us.
"Right now isn't the time dude" I replied.

We walked in the city as the orange light was finally visible over the horizon that the gang and I were standing on a few minutes ago.
"Should we split up?" Jeff asked the group.
"Yeah I think that's a good idea, we'll be able to find more stuff to help us out there" I said as we all started separating.

Debby, Drew, Erica, Ricky and I entered the waterpark across the road from the mall where the others went.
"You guys alright"? Debby asked us.
"Yeah we are for now, until you get us all killed" Erica whispered. Ricky and I pushed Erica away from the girls to have a little private time.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked her angrily.
"Don't you see Debby is going to kill us one by one!" She said.
"Bullshit where did you even get this from?" Ricky asked
"I wish I could tell you guys but I can't, you may not believe me but Debby is  seriously bad news"
"No she is not" I denied her statement.
"Look all I'm doing is looking out for you guys if you don't want to listen to me then fine"
I just looked away and ignored her. Erica started walking out of the park.
"Don't say I didn't warn you" she shouted.

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" Ricky asked me.
"About Debby getting us killed, no she's fucking lying" I slammed my hand into the brick wall next to me.
"That's not what I'm talking about and you know that" he replied.
"She ain't bad news man why you taking Erica's side"
"I'm not taking anyones side bro but there has to be a reason why she's acting like this" he explained.
"You know what I'm not talking to you" I say in defeat.
Debby and Drew came around the corner just after that.
"Where the hell did you guys go?" Debby asked us.
"Yeah you don't just abondon us" Drew replied. Ricky and I just nodded.

As we were walking Debby tripped over a wire and accidentally pressed the switch.
All lights in the water park came on which was the most terrifying thing we could have done. The demons were finally aware of our presence. Apparently both light and sound attracted them.
They started entering the waterpark and changed into their true form.
"Run!" Drew shouted

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