Chapter 29 (All Out War)

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Jackson's point of view

I coughed out blood due to the smoke from the fire. All the tents were burned down. I sat up and saw Jared and Drew next to me stuggling on the sand.
"Are you guys ok?" I groaned. Jared helped Drew up and aswered.
"Yeah we good"
"What the hell is happening, what was that?" Drew wondered.
"I don't know. The whole village is in ruins" I answered. Multiple helicopters were flying around in the area.
Tessa was limping before I walked to her.
"Hey you alright?" I placed my arms around her shoulders.
"Yeah I'm fine, just a little dizzy" Tessa responded. A few bodies were seen on the floor.
"SAVEGES!" someone shouted.
Everyone began running around in different directions until a granade was thrown near me. It shot out emp charges and tazed us. The feeling of electricity washing through my body. We all fell and couldn't move our limbs at all. A group of savages came and handcuffed us. They put the entire population of the Chatari on their knees including us cause we recently joined them. I looked next to me and saw Drew and Jared. Lily, Debby and Ricky were far behind us. I couldn't be thinking about Debby right now. My friends are in danger.

Where the hell was Marcus and Erica. I hope they're safe. They probably still talking about who knows what.
"Well well well. Look at what we have here" Briggs laughed.
"How the hell did you find us?" I asked confused.
"I contacted them" a familiar voice spoke out.
"Erica but why" Jared asked.
"You betrayed us you fucking.." Ricky was punched in the face.
"Don't you dare touch him!" Lily said.
"Erica why did you do it?" Ben asked.
"It's because she was always one of us isn't that right Erica" Briggs looked at her.
"Yes father that is right" Erica responded with a devious smile on her face. Briggs is Erica's father!!
"What in the actual fuck!" Ricky
blurted out.
"Yeah man such a plot twist, like damn I'm tired right now" Sasha added.
"Bring Debby to me" Briggs ordered. The men walked to her and brought her to the front.
"How are you doing sweetheart?" Briggs asked her.
"Go fuck yourself" Debby spat on his face.
"Don't be disrespectful you bitch" Erica hit her to the floor. Blood was running down Debby's nose. I know she hurt me but I couldn't see her get beaten up like this.
Everyone's cuffs just randomly broke. The first thing I did was charge myself at Briggs. I tackled him down and continued punching him. All hell broke lose. Everybody was fighting one another. Briggs pushed me off and stood up quite fast.
"Let's fucking go kid, let's see how well you can fight" he said while rolling up his sleeves. I ran to him and he punched my stomach. He took a knife out but I moved out of the way befor he could stab me. I swung my right hand and he blocked it. He tried using his knife but I held it with my other hand. Ben came out of nowhere and kicked Briggs back.
"You want to do this together?" He asked me.
"Hell yeah let's kick his ass" I charged at him and he tried blocking my attacks and that's when Ben hit him on the hips. While he was gasping for air, I gave him a couple of quick jabs on his left jaw. Ben kicked his legs and he ended up falling.
"Freeze!" A savage commanded. He aimed his gun at us. I looked at Ben then back at the the man. Jared picked up the man and dropped him in the burnt down tent. Multiple gun shots were fired at us. Jared, Ben and I ran and jumped for cover. We hid behind a long metallic crate.
"Hear take this" Marcus said while throwing a gun at me. I caught it and started loading my ammo.

Hundreds of people were fighting all over the village. I looked at a distance. Debby and Erica were having the fist fight of the century. No one was able to hit the other. It's like they knew all the moves that would be preformed next.
"How the hell did the cuffs collapse" Drew asked.
"The cuffs were powered by electricity. They were controlled by a generator in one of the helicopters. So I just found the generator and destroyed it" Marcus explained. I got out of cover and shot one dude down.
"We're not getting out of here!" Tessa shouted before pulling her trigger at two guys. Tessa's right we're highly outnumbered. It was very dark out. Gavin told me that he placed guys with rocket launchers all over the place and that they would start shooting soon. Green smoke was created right in fornt of Lily. Gavin took out the walkie talkie to start giving the order.
"Alright boys in the next ten seconds you light them up. Target is green smoke, target is green smoke" Gavin ordered.
"Wait a minute do you mean that green smoke?" I asked pointing at the smoke right in front of us. Everyone behind the metallic crate stopped shooting at the savages and stared at the smoke for a few seconds.
"RUUNNNNN!" we all screamed before sprinting. The rocket launchers were fired at our location. As the shots hit the ground. I could feel the sand hit the back of my shirt and I also witnessed a few bodies fly in the air. Some bodies landed on the people running from the green smoke including me. I fell next to the walkie talkie that Gavin was using.
"Attention we going in for another round, shots will be fired in the next ten seconds. I tried grabbing the talkie to tell those guys to stop shooting but it was too far for me to reach. Marcus came back and helped me push this large body off of me. We ran once again as the shots were fired. I heared the sound of the explosion behind us. We joined the others behind multile abondoned cars. Peole took cover behind them. It was quiet all of a sudden. A man get on top of the hood to see what was going on. Bullets were fired.
"They are still here!" The man shouted as he was shot in the head by the savages. He's body collapsed right next to me.
"Holy shit!" I shouted as loud as I could. I heard the sound of bullets hitting the cars. A grenade was thrown at one of the cars next to us. As it exploded it flipped the car over and killed the people who were using it for cover.

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