Chapter 10 (The Unforgiving Storm)

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Jackson's POV

I had the thought of covering my face before the sand reached my eyes. Erica was nowhere to be seen and I wonder where she was. Debby almost fell. I held Debby's hand as she felt that she couldn't run anymore. Everyone ran beside each other.

I couldn't believe that Bobby and Oliver are gone. Ben and Sasha didn't deserve that. To see the ones they love die like that at the hands of Briggs was so uncalled for. If they want him to pay for what he has done then I'll happily help them out.
"Do you guys see that?" Lily asked pointing out to a town in the distance.
"Yeah and that's where we're heading" Tessa said.

The closer the storm got, the darker and more ominous it became, until we were finally enveloped. The sun took on the most bizarre colour, kind of reddish, and everything around us took on this orange hue. It didn’t seem real. Visibility dropped down to near zero, which is what makes sandstorms so treacherous, especially if you are out on the path. If there was a car stopped in front of you, you wouldn’t know until you were right on top of it.

I was squinting, but the sand was still getting in my eyes—and since my eye sight was originally bad, it was 10 times worse. It’s everywhere, in your hair and clothes. You’re picking sand out of every nook and cranny for about a day afterwards. It doesn’t matter what you do, it gets everywhere. And it hurts tremendously. Imagine being sandblasted. It’s like someone took an industrial sandblaster and held it up against your skin.

We drew nearer to the city but it was still a bit far off. Curtis passed out yet again. Something was seriously wrong with him and it worried me. Ricky and Frankie carried him. The storm was only getting worse.
"Do you think that's Azmonia?" Lily asked.
"No it's not. Briggs said that it was located in the mountains" Jared answered.
"Let's hope the people here are going to help us out" Amanda said.

It lasted a couple of hours, but the worst of it is the beginning, right at the leading edge. What happens is that you get these thunderstorms way out in the desert and you get these downdrafts that come out at the very centre of the desert. It shoots up these massive plumes of dirt and dust, well, well ahead of the rain. So it can be completely dry where you are. It’s a dry thunderstorm, basically.

As we reached the town, a thunderstorm was added to the mix.
Lightning bolts were hitting the ground near us. I thought we were all going to die if we weren't lucky. My ears started ringing after a bolt hit just a few metres away from me. I also lost my sight and fell on the ground.
"You're going to be ok mate!" Marcus screamed as he started dragging me to safety. I couldn't see anything but I trusted Marcus with my life. I always have. The darkness was always something I've always feared for very personal issues. I almost lost my life back in the day and I sure didn't want to lose it now.

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