Chapter 25 (Debby's The Key)

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We just got to a village after three hours of walking. It was full of tents and campfires. This was it. This had to be the place where the Chatari clan stay. A very large man carrying an M16 walked to us and asked us who we were.
"We came from paradise good sir" Marcus answered with a low voice.
"Come on grow some balls kid and say it like a man" the big man chuckled.
"Don't worry guys as long as you're not Savages then you're obviously welcome" he said once again. We all thanked him before scattering around the campsite. I grabbed curtis and walking him up to the big man.
"Hey sorry dude. Do you guys have a medical centre?" I asked.
"Sure we do, my name's Gavin by the way" he says holding out his hand. I shaked his hand and in the process I end up dropping Curtis. All he did was groan and I apologized before helping him up.
"You should get him checked out quickly. You're about to lose him" he tells me.
"I'm on my way".

As Curtis and I got there, I set him down on one of the beds. Debby also came in to check on him.
"How is he?" She asked before kissing me.
"I have no idea but he's not looking good at all"
"Do you think these people have the cure?"
"It's our only option now" I squeeze her hand.
A woman walked in and immediately checked on Curtis.
"Hello you two" the nurse greeted.
"Hi Miss" we said together.
"I'm Jackson and this is Debby" I point at her.
"Debby?; please tell me your full name"
"Debby Huntington Starling"
"Oh my god it is true" the nurse whispered.
"What's true?" Debby question.
"I have to tell you something" the nurse speaks out. I just sat down and listened because I knew that I had nothing to contribute to their topic.
"Your friend got touched by a demon, am I correct?" the nurse asked.
Yeah he did. What does this have to do with me?"
"Do you know that your father is responsible for the demons?"
"Impossible! He ran away from paradise cause he was afraid of them"
"Who ever told you that lied to you. Look anyways that's not what I want to tell you"
"Then what is it?" Debby questioned.
"Everything in this dimension is constructed right?"
Debby and I nod our heads.
"Yes but before the demons were created your father implanted his own DNA in them" the nurse explained.
"This can't make sense, do you have evidence of that?" Debby shaked her head.
"Yes because when we checked the vitals of the other patients your father's DNA was seen in them but it's been corrupted by the demons so we can't help anyone"
"What about my blood?"
"Your blood Debby is the key. It's fresh and not corrupted. If you allow me to get a sample of it then we can save all alphalites"
"What the fuck are alphalites?" I rejoining the conversation.
"People who don't get evaporated when touched by demons" she answered. Debby rolled up her sleeve in order for the nurse to inject her.
"The cure will be ready after a while, your welcome to stay if you want"
"No it's ok I'm gonna get some fresh air" I walked out of the medical tent. It was quite massive compared to all the other tents.

My eyes were blinded by the rising sun which meant that it was already dawn. I looked around the village and saw people everywhere. This place was seriously populated. The gang was sitting around a firepit having a good time.
"Hey guys, man people don't really sleep around here" I joked.
"Yeah they don't bro, anyways Marcus over here tried leaning in for his first kiss and missed" Ricky told the others. Everyone laughed.
"Hey it was one time" Marcus defended himself.
"No it wasn't"
"Would you shut the fuck up?"
"No I don't feel like it" Ricky shrugged.
"Rejectee I'll take your hand and shove it up your own ass" Marcus threatened. Damn they were bickering. They haven't done that since... when was it again. Shit I can't remember.
"Hey Jacks can I talk to you for a sec?" Frankie asked.
I stood up and followed him away from the group.

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