Chapter 4 (The Theatre Hideout)

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"What the hell did you do!" Ricky said while running.
"It was an accident I didn't mean to trip" she replied. The demons bashed a small kiosk that was just behind us causing Drew to fall. I picked her up and continued running. Those things were really huge I wouldn't even bother turning around just to see how close they were to me. Ricky decided to climb on a couple of rocks to reach the top of a water slide. I wanted to join him. As we reached the top the demons appeared right behind us.
"You know what to do right" I said looking at him.
"I love you bro" he cried as we jumped on the slide. I got to admit at a time like this it was pretty fun. Two demons appeared at the bottom of the slide.
"Ah shit no!" I shouted. They picked up the bottom of the slide. Like seriously how strong were they. The moment we got to the bottom of the slide we flew very far due to the incredible speed at which we were sliding at and landed in one of those stuffy animal stores. I landed on my shoulder and got seriously hurt. I just wanted to lay there but Ricky picked me up.
"Come on bro we have to meet up with all the others" he said picking  me up. I stood up and dusted myself off. Once we got out of the water park and entered the mall all the lights in Protrocious came on.

The demons were once again chasing us. Debby was panting heavily when she told me to worn the others. We saw them standing in a group from a distance as they had no clue what was going on. Debby, Ricky Drew and I were sprinting for our lives.
"RUN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as we ran through the mall
"Guys run now!" Ricky shouted trying to worn them. They couldn't hear us that much cause they were still pretty far. Debby and Drew decided to join in the screaming.
"HEY!" we all said. They finally looked at our direction.
"Move get out of here!" I said waving them off. They finally started running after they saw the demons behind us. Marcus waited for us. As we reached him he tossed me a gun while running along us.
"Are you guys responsible for this?" he asked us.
"Maybe" Ricky answered.
"Apparently the demons are attracted to the light and the sound" Debby explained. We finally caught up with the group when they decided to enter a movie theatre. As we entered the cinema we all hid in between the sits.
"Great who's dumb ass idea was it to lead us here?" Ricky whispered loudly. We all looked at him.
"Hey I thought it was a great hiding spot" Amanda said.
"Are you guys seriously doing this now" Lily whispered in disbelief.
As they continued arguing I loooked at Charlie's body. He was still knocked out cold.
"Ben turn off the flash light what is wrong with you" Sasha whispered while hitting him at the back of the head.

"You guys are so immature" Tessa whispered.
"Really, last time I checked you were also a teenager" Drew said.
"Hey at least I have standards. I'm not a high maintenance bitch like you" Tessa snapped. Damn that was rough
"Hey watch your language" Williams said.
"Sorry dad" Tessa responded
"Damn Debby looks like we found someone that can outdiss you" Frankie said. The group bursted out laughing. Charlie started to gain his conscious as he woke up.

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