Chapter 11 (The Mountains)

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2 hours later my vision cleared up. Thank the lord I was able to see again. I sat up on a very unfamiliar bed.
"Where am I?" I asked myself. I got out of bed. I looked out the window and saw the desert. Turns out that the storm stopped quite a while ago. I went out the door to see if any of the others were there.
"Hey you ok" Tessa said running to me. She wrapped my arm around her helping me walk. I really appreciated it but I was fine on my own.
"How is everyone?" I asked her.
"They're all fine, they just miss their fearless leader" she chuckled emphasising the word fearless.
I laughed along. Tessa sat me down on a couch in this giant warehouse. It was filled with people who lived in tents. Some kind of refugee camp. I saw Debby and waved at her. She came running into my arms.
"Oh my god are you ok?" she asked.
I nodded my head and kissed her.
"You have to meet Kholi" she said.
"Who the hell is Kholi?" I asked.
"He's the person that runs this place" Tessa interrupted.

I walked into Kholi's office and that's when the gang started acknowledging my presence.
"Welcome back bro!" Ricky shouted.
"Not so loud please" I laughed.
"Ahhh you must be Jackson" the old black man said. Not being racist or anything but it's true.
"And you must be kholi" I said shaking his hand. Kholi told me to follow him out of his office.
"I need to speak to you about something" he said.
"About what?"
"Curtis. I know why he keeps on passing out. He is infected"
"Infected? What the hell could he possibly be infected with?"
"He was touched by the demons"
"Then why didn't he disintegrate?" I asked confused.
"We have no idea. Some of us think that he had the genetic material of the demons implanted in him"
"How is that possible?"
"It's the only reason why he keeps on passing out. He's dying" Kholi explained.
"Does Tessa know about this?" I asked because that was my main concern.
"Yes she does" Kholi answered.
"Is there anyway we can help him"
"We get him to the Chatari, they are hidden in the mountains"
"Who the hell are they, also Briggs mentioned them earlier"
"Legend has it that the Chatari protect the people of this dimension. They've spent years building a small empire of their own and they have discovered things that have never been discovered before. They are the only chance we have at returning to reality. Thousands of others have been infected by the demons and the Chitari have a cure" he explained.
"But also the Aznomians live in the mountains so how do we know which is which?"
"Leave that to me" he said as we walked back into his office. Kholi told  that he had a plan. I trust him due to all the refugees he has taken care of.
"Can I get everyone's attention" Kholi announced. The gang listened to him.
"Listen gang there are two things we need in order to get into the Chatari...

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