Chapter 24 (The Attack)

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It's been hours since we started walking. It was dark out which meant there was a huge chance that we'd run into demons. We walked blindy through the desert. The blowing sand making it very difficult for us to see where we were going. It's not like we had a choice.

Not long after that a demon was seen in front of us digging a hole in the sand.
"Nobody move" Charlie mentioned to us
"What do you think it's looking for?" Tessa asked him.
"Does it matter just don't move"
The demon eventually saw us and started roaring. This beast would tear us from limb to limb without any hesitation.
"Oh shit" Tessa mumbled under her breath. She had taken steps towards me, wanting me close to her so that when start running she'd know exactly where I was.

As we started sprinting away the demon started calling for backup.
"He's getting help" Kholi said exhaustively.
Lily was soon left behind just before falling.
"LILY!" Ricky started yelling out her name seeing the predicament she was in. He took a gun out of Charlie's hand and ran after the demon to save Lily's life. He shoot it in the eye and it disintegrated. Lily kissed him after being saved.
"Hey love birds, right now's not the time let's move!" Amanda shouts. We turned around and ran with the rest of the group. The sound of demons still close behind us. Tessa's eyes were clouded with tears. That made it harder for her to run. I knew that we couldn't run forever. We're humans for crying out loud.

A gunshot was soon heared as it hit one demon. I can't believe it. It was them. Firing round after round until the demons decided to retreat to wherever they came from. Seeing the sight of blonde hair made me blush tremendously.
"It's only been a day Jacks, I didn't think you'd miss me that much" Debby says before crushing her lips onto mine.
"Well I did and I never want us to split up again" I smile. She walks off to Lily. I see Marcus and the rest of the group he was in. We're all back together again. The whole gang.
"Mr Eastwood" I chuckled before giving Marcus a fist pump. Ricky standing next to us.
"Fuck you Harrison, or should I say Jackson Starling" he whispered.
I laughed really hard and so did Ricky.
"I'm not taking Debby's surname if I get married" I assure him.
"Alright everyone, can we please finally get off this desert" Charlie said.

We continued walking, the sun has set not long ago but the heat was still drying up our throats. Walking up a very steep sand dune, we had a very clear view of everything. The mountains are not so far from here.
"We're getting closer" Ben says.
"Yep, Kholi are you sure that this is the right place?" Jared asked him.
"Yes it is" he answered.
I looked at Curtis hand he had orange viens coursing through his skin. He looked terrible.
"We have to get Curtis there right now" I said while walking off.

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