Chapter 26 (Jackson knows)

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"Look man Jackson I had to tell you this but you didn't hear it from me" Frankie says.
"Ok whatever"
"We all know that you have a short temper like that time when you found out that Jessica was using you"
"Frankie TALK!" I raised my voice.
"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but it's better that you know sooner rather than letter" he said.
"After we went to Azmonia. Everyone was sleeping later that night. I woke up and realized that someone was missing. I started searching and that's when I found Ben and Debby kissing" he finished. I couldn't believe my ears. Frankie could tell that I had a blank expression on my face. My anger started coursing through my veins. She stole my heart and then stabbed me in the back. Why on earth would Debby keep such a secret from me. She wasn't even going to tell me.

I'm disgruntled. I never thought Debby would do something like this. Ever. Especially with Ben a guy that she doesn't really know. I know I'm a very understanding person but the way those two treated me was taken too far.
"Are you ok?" Frankie asked me.
"Yeah I'm good, thank you for telling me Frankie. I really appreciate this".
I walked up a small hill and saw the village below me. It's kind of funny, its like climbing a mini mountain on a large mountain. Maybe it isn't that funny but you get the idea. Everyone was being productive. Ricky and Marcus were having a chat. I could see that they were arguing about something stupid as always. I sat by myself and watched the sun ascend over the horizon. I seriously had things to think about. All that I knew was that I'll never look at Debby the same way again.
"Hey Jacks" Tessa smiles and sits next to me.
"Hi Tessa, is your dad ok?"
"There's still no update but he'll be fine. I know it" she smiles.
"What's eating you up?" she asked me.
"Ummm well there is this one thing" I start. I turn to stare at Tessa and see that she's looking deep into my eyes.
"Debby kissed Ben behind my back" I cried out.
"Fucking hell, why would she do that. So how are you taking it?" She started hugging me.
"Not well I wish I could fix this. I can't. It's terrible" I said.
"It is one of the saddest truths we have to confront in life a hug and a kiss cannot heal, no matter how much love we pack into them. But you don't have to pretend. You don't have to act like you have the existential hug and kiss to make this situation better" Tessa mentions.
"So what you're saying is that l should talk to her?" I wanted to make sure.
"Yes that's the number one rule darling" she smiles and stands up.
"Thanks for making me feel better Tess. You always do"
"Just helping out a friend in need" she pats my shoulder before walking back to the village.

Tessa did have a point. I couldn't just let them be. I had to talk to her and ask her why she did what she did. My fragile heart has been shattered. The girl I loved for I don't know how long has just betrayed me. I started figuring out how to bring up my concerns when speaking to Debby. I watched Tessa reach the village. She really did come through for me.

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