Chapter 14 (Debby's Thoughts)

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"What the fuck just happened?" I rose my voice after I realized what we just did. I immediately pulled away
"I'm sorry I don't know what came over m.."
"No Ben, I can't believe I just cheated on Jackson" I cut him off. A tear started sliding down my left cheek as Ben wiped it away.
"Debby calm down" I said.
"No! I will not calm down. I cheated on Jacks, I mean we, I mean I, I mean we, Look I can't even think straight" I cried out. I soon felt his hands on my cheeks.
"Hey please calm down, he won't know about it" Ben assured. I saw something weird at the corner of my eye while he was still talking. The fireflies could be seen in the sky. I pointed to the sky and Ben looked.
"Oh my god, the Demons" he said fearfully.
"We need to get to Azmonia now!" I told him. We ran back to the campsite. Frankie was the only one awake which kind of sent jitters down my spine.
"Hey! Wake up" I started hitting them. People started sitting up as Ben and Frankie started warning them about the demons.
"We have to get to Azmonia now" I told them. We started sprinting in the direction of the beautifully lit city. I felt rumbling on the sand. The moment I looked at my feet I  saw the sand start to crack which didn't make sense since it was sand.

I still can't believe I kissed Ben. I don't want Jackson to know about this at all. I won't be able to live with myself knowing that I hurt someone that I truly care about. My first real boyfriend. I mean yeah sure I've dated Christian but I never really liked him. After his death I couldn't help but feel this large burden on my shoulders. I miss him so much. He didn't deserve to go out like that.

Next thing I realize that we were in the city and the fireflies just dissapeared. The gang and I found an abandoned building to crash for the night. It was the safest place we could find in the city.
"Hey Marcus is Erica ok?" I asked him.
"Ummm yeah why wouldn't she be" he laughed out.
"You know she hates me right"
"Impossible, she doesn't hate anyone"
"She has this personal vandetta against her dude" Ben pointed out.
"Look Marcus I love you but you need to get your girlfriend in line. Something is telling me that I already regret making her tag along on this entire trip" I stated.
"You know what Debby, tell me where's your father. I mean everywhere we go we just miss him. What if Paradise is fake and all of this is just a simulation!" Marcus raised his voice.
"Marcus stop" Curtis pleaded
"No! listen to me what if I'm right huh. Maybe this whole shit is fake and it was part of some master plan that Debby's dad created to get thousands of people here and why are you blaming Erica huh, I'm sure you're probably in on it too!" Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore.
"Enough!" Curtis shouted.
"Listen to me very carefully Marcus, stop your bullshit right now. Can't you see that your hurting her. What the hell is wrong with you, I'm the grown up here and It's time I start acting like it!"
"I'm sorry Debby" Marcus said as he hugged me.
"Debby I also need you to apologize to Marcus, you're accusing his girlfriend without any evidence" Curtis instructed.
"Sorry Marcus, you're my baby boo you know that right" I apologized playfully. He just laughed in response.
I started playing with his large afro hair.
"Don't touch the hair Debby. No one touches the hair" he laughed out.
"Good my job here is don..." Curtis lost his balance. Frankie and Jared helped him up.
"I'm alright, I just need some sleep" he said while lying down on the couch.
"We really need to get you to the Chatari" Frankie said.

I went out to get some fresh air. Of course I was sitting on a rooftop. I love being on rooftops.
"You out here by yourself" Jared chuckled.
"Yeah I'm always by myself" I responded.
He sat down next to me. Another figure started playing with my incredibly blonde hair. I smiled before turning around only to see Drew smiling back.
"Hey bestie"
"Have a sit" I said hitting the spot next to me.
"You ok Debz" she asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine. I just miss Christian a lot. I mean yeah he was an asshole but he didn't deserve to die"
"I miss him too, my best bro died because I killed him in order to save you" he replied.
"Hey it wasn't your fault. You did the right thing" Drew told Jared
"You call killing one of the most important people in my life the right thing to?" he questioned
"Yes especially if it's to save someone else in your life that's important" she answered.
"I blame myself for Christian's death, not just his but everyone's death" I intervened.
"Why Debz?" They both asked me.
"Because I told all those people to come with us, if they didn't then they would all be alive right now. I was being selfish, I only thought about finding my dad and I couldn't even take the time to appreciate what everyone did for me. I can never forgive myself for what they did" I spoke out. I felt both Jared and Drew wrap their arms around me.
"You guys are the best" I said. The three of us stood up and planned on going back inside. Drew entered the building while Jared pulled me back.
"I understand that you struggling but I know that's not what's eating you up" He said.
"Yeah it isn't, look something big happened while you guys were sleepi.."
"I'm listening" Jared interrupted.
"Ok well, how do I say this ummmm I kinda, no fuck that Iiiiiiiiiiii ummmm"
"Debby just say it!" Jared raised his voice.
"Ben and I kissed!"

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