Chapter 17 (The Warning)

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"Ah how the hell did we get here?" Jared struggled. We started screaming and shouting until that asshole walked into the room.
"I never thought I'd see you kids again" he laughed. That's when I noticed that I was hanging upside down. As well as the others.
"You're a fucking coward Briggs you hear me!" Ben said.
"Where are you're other friends" he said holding my face. I have never been so angry in my entire life.
"Don't touch me again" I spat on his face. He wiped it away and continued laughing.
"Do you know that this place used to be a mining dump. Long before this city was built. The fouder of Savage asked the construction company to place the building over this giant hole beneath you" Briggs pointed out. I turned my head down and saw the enormous pit. I looked back up and noticed that the ropes which tied our legs was the only thing that stopped us from falling into the pit of doom.

Briggs grabbed the handle which connected with the ropes. He lowered us deeper into the pit and brought us back up.
"I can't kill you guys yet. I have to find all your friends first and the boss wants to see you" he walked out the room. He has a boss. I thought he was the big guy around here. Ha I geuss he's just some lacky. 
"What's on your mind Debz?" Drew asked.
"Something's wrong, this shouldn't have happened even with Marcus's stupid plan"
"Hey!" he complained
"Sorry bro but on a serious note, it's like they knew we were coming" Frankie backed me up.
"That's because they did" I mumbled.
"Did you say something Debby?" Ben questioned.
"It's because they did. Someone must have warned the savages that we were coming" I told them.
"That's impossible no one else knew about our plan..."
"Except someone in the gang" I interrupted Marcus.
"Like who?" Drew whispered.
"It could be one of us here or maybe someone in Jackson's group" I explained.
"We have to get out of here, Drew can you reach that handle" I asked her because she was the closest to the handle. She tried swinging herself over there but couldn't get that far.
"I can't get there, I need someone to push me" she responded.

I grabbed her hips and pushed her back so she could gain swinging  momentum. At least she got further but not far enough. Marcus and Jared helped me as the 3 of us pushed her until she finally reached the railing and grabbed hold of it. She held one hand on the rails and untied herself to the other. She jumped over and walked to the handle.
I wish I could take a picture of you guys. You look so ridiculous" she chuckled.
"Drew just pull us up!" We all shouted together. She moved the handle.
"We have to find the crystal before leaving" Marcus said.
"Drew, Marcus and are going to get the crystal while Ben and Jared get back to Curtis and tell him that we going back to Kholi's warehouse, it's about time we escape Azmonia" I said.

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