Chapter 30 (Escape Plan)

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"So you and Ben huh?" I asked her. I saw that look in Debby's eye.
"What about me and Ben?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Stop playing dumb Debby I know you two kissed!" I shouted.
"How did you find out about that?" she asked suprised.
"You're asking me questions, I think it should be the other way around. How could you do this to me Debby?"
"I'm so sorry I never meant to"
"You have hurt me today more than Christian has throughout my years at school. You're my freaking dream girl.  you were my dream girl" I cried.
"It was never my intention, I loved spending time with you Jacks I really did. I don't know what came over me"
She tried wiping my tears away but I didn't let her.
"I think we should move on Debby" I say softly. I couldn't even get the words out.
"No Jacks please don't do this to me, I love you so much" she said.
"I love you too but that's why I'm letting you go. I think you should do the same" I say firmly.
"Tessa has something to do with this doesn't she?" Debby wiped her tears.
"She doesn't have anything to do with our break up. She was there for me when you weren't!" I tell her.
"I can't do this anymore. For all I know maybe you cheated on me with Tessa" she said before storming off. Is she crazy?

I was brought back from my flashback. I had forgotten about the situation that my friends and I were currently facing.
"We're almost out of rounds" Marcus warns us. The Savages were drawing in. Today could possibly be the day that we die. Someone threw a flashbang and it blinded my eyes. After that everything I saw turned white. I was sucked back into another flashback.

Once we got to the dance floor Tessa placed both my hands on her ass. I had that urge to start squeezing it. The lights and the music were completely in sync.
"Make love to me Jackson Harrison" she whispered in my ear. Did I hear her correctly. Did she just say that I should have intercourse with her. I felt her breath hit the bottom of my neck and it made me go crazy.
Tessa comfortably leaned her head against my chest and closed her eyes, listening to the the song that was playing and the steadiness of my heartbeat. I could honestly stay like this forever. It was like we were the only ones in the room, in the universe. Everyone else had dissapeared and all that we could see was each other. Tessa pulled her head away from my chest to look up at me. We gazed into each other's eyes as the song played. Our foreheads touching as the romance and atmosphere around us intensified. I moved my hand from her round and firm butt to her waist and my breath was on her neck making her heartbeat go crazy. After a few seconds my fingers were on her dress and she could feel that it was my attempt to remove it.
"Nope sweetie, not yet" she stopped me. Tessa slowly took me upstairs. Once we reached our destination, she kissed me passionately, this time not holding back. I returned the kiss and closed my eyes wanting to enjoy the moment.

"Jackson!" A voice shouting. My vision started clearing up.
"Jackson!" I heard that voice again.
"Snap out of it man we're about to die!" Jared warned me. I got back up and started shooting some of the savages. A man next to me got hit. I checked on him.
"Are you ok? Keep the pressure on that wound!" I screamed. He nodded and did what I told him to. It was the only thing I could do right now due to the noise of all this gunfire.
"Hey we need a medic over here!" I signalled. Two people came and dragged him away. I put more bullets in the magazine before helping out with the killing spree of the savages. A C4 was placed on the car that we were hiding behind. The car exploded cause all of us to fly back. That was it. There was nowhere else for us to take cover. We're all going to die. I tried crawling back but I hurt my arms from the explosion.

Another helicopter was spotted not far from here. It looked different from the ones that belonged to the Savages.
"Oh shit, they're here. Retreat Retreat!" Briggs instucted.
"But sir what about the Chatari and these kids?" one man asked.
"Leave them there's no time for that plus they're completely useless now" Briggs laughed. The savages entered their choppers and left. The gang started regrouping.
"Why the hell did they leave" Drew asked.
"We have no idea. Who are those people? Lily asked. The helicopter soon landed and a man wearing a completely different uniform opened the door.
"Is everybody alright?"
"Ummm yeah we're fine who the hell are you" I asked
"Sergeant Liam Davidson" he answered. I shook his hand.
"Look we're here to get everyone to safety. We have a base on the other side of this dimension. A place where the savages will never find you again. That's if you guys want to come" he offered
"It's not like we have a choice now do we" I laughed.
"Alright then it's settled. Teenagers first. We promise to come for the rest of you as soon as we drop them off" Liam tells Curtis and Charlie. They nod their heads. The gang and I got in the helicopter. The propellers started spinning as the vehicle start ascending off the ground and into the air.

The helicopter flew through the desert as I started thinking about the events that I experienced back at the village. I wiped the blood off my face. I saw Ricky smile at me with some teeth missing. I wanted to laugh but I think I also hurt my ribs in the explosion. He ended up cuddling with Lily. Tessa held my hand and it felt extremely warm. Marcus on the other hand was traumatized. I fully understand because of what Erica has done. She betrayed all of us and broke our trust. Ben was ben. Yeah I did fight Briggs with him but he still kissed my ex. Debby was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful but my mind wasn't on her right now. I looked outside the window. The helicopter was passing by a destroyed paradise. It's been a while since we left that place. I had to rest. My body was aching all over so I decide to close my eyes. I wonder if this place that we're going to was safe for us. Only time will tell.

The End...

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