Chapter 22 (The Framework Part 1)

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I slept for a while. I could tell because we weren't in the tunnel nor the warehouse anymore. I don't even remember what occured before I was knocked out. The sun made an intensifying appearance and the heat raged down on the desert. It was seriously severe. I was covered in sweat and it made me think about something. The showers back at home were refreshing. Man I miss those babies. The last time I showered was the same day I left paradise.

I finally got my eyes opened and saw Tessa holding my hand. All she did was smile at the sight of me being conscious. Tessa has seriously become a very close friend of mine overt the time we've spent in paradise. I swear even Ricky was getting jealous.
"Hi" was all she said. I sat up and looked around. We were inside a car driving on this motherfucking desert. I was with Tessa, Ricky, Charlie, Lily, Erica and Kholi.
"Where are the others?" I asked them. They all acknowledged the fact that I was awake.
"We're still separated, but I'm sure Debby's group are on their way to the mountains" Lily answered.
"How did we get hear?" I rubbed my eyes.
"We went to a club then we all got drunk, did some crazy shit, then you passed out, then Charlie went back and asked for Kholi's help to get us back to the warehouse, which was five hours ago, then we got a car and now we're on our way to the Chatari" Tessa ran out of breathe
"Ok thanks for all that but did you g.."
"Yep we got the crystal" she cut me off.

"Have you guys noticed something?" Ricky handed me a bottle of water to drink. Nobody answered his question.
"Ok anyways, I'm losing my memories of my old life back at reality "
"Wait you're right, I don't even remember my mom's name" Lily said in disbelief.
"Me too" Erica raised her hand and continued staring out the window. I kind of felt bad for her. Yeah she was a total asshole but she didn't deserve to be left out.
"Hey man have we been hard on Erica?" I tapped Ricky's shoulder.
"No bro not at all. She deserves everything bad coming her way"
"You're starting to sound like Christian" I looked at him.
"No I am nothing like Christian dude, I treat my girls in bed right" he joked.
"What the, I thought you were done with those dirty jokes" Lily laughed.
"I am, I just missed them, that's all" he shrugged.
"Remember we were the nerds once. Just because we're in another dimension doesn't mean we are popular" I tell him.
"Damn Jacks you completely right, we made her feel neglected, everyone has the right to express themselves"
"Even if they're against someone that we love, we just have to accept it" I smiled.
"I'm proud of you guys" Tessa smiled.
"Shut it Tess, you're ruining our moment" Ricky gave me a bro hug which made me laugh yet again.
"Dang rejectee, I didn't know you were this jealous" I chuckled.
"Hey Erica what do you think about all this?" Ricky asked trying to change the subject. She turned around and gave us all a smile.
"It's kind of far fetched but it does make a lot of sense" she replies.

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