Chapter 18 (The Jump of Faith)

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Once we exited the room with the pit of doom the building was more packed than when we first snuck. I geuss once we were captured everyone else returned to their working stations. Ben and Jared already left.
"There is no waying that we're getting all the way to the lab dressed like this" I say.
"Then we get a freaking disguise" Marcus replied. He had a point. After knocked out 3 scientists we took their lab coats and left them in the janitors closet. We walked up the stairs in order to avoid Briggs from seeing us. The elevator is such an exposed area. "How do you think the others are doing?" Frankie asked me.
"I hope their fine I mean their fighting of demons for God's sake" I answered.
"I don't know about you guys but I can't see myself trusting Kholi" Marchs shares.
"Why not?"
"Because we just met the dude and all of a sudden he has a 'gateway' to the demon's den, for all we know " Marcus said air qouting the word gateway.
"Ok I get it, you have trust issues" Frankie chuckled. I grabbed a hold of Marcus's bag and took out a stun gun. I had that feeling that the lab will be filled with people so it would be best to intimidate them a little.

We got to the floor, received M16s and frag grenades from the gaurds that we took down silently. I felt like I was playing Splinter Cell all over again. I was secretly a geek. Even though the great Debby was the most popular girl in school I was such a geek. I used to go to comic-con every single year but no nerds ever noticed me. Lily found out once but she said it was cute and she promised to keep it a secret. What an amazing friend I have, I hope she's ok.

"Everyone hands in the air!" I say as we enter the lab.
"Marcus take the crystal" I tell him. He took it out of it's case tripping an alarm in the building. Frankie took one of the scientists and force her to lock us in with her keypad. I watched the cameras and saw Briggs with multiple guards just outside the lab.
"Kids you are making a big mistake. Put the crystal back in the case" Briggs pleaded from the other side of the door.
"No not really. We don't make mistakes" Marcus says with pride.
Frankie open the vents and climb in.
"Open the door Debby! There's nowhere else to go" He shouts.
"How do you know my name?" I ask him suprised
"I know all you're names" he laughs out.
"It's such a shame. The fact that you're father left you because you were a disappoint of a child" I was boiling.
How did he know about my childhood.
"Maybe Rosa wanted to leave you too but she felt bad for you so she decided to stay" he murmured. I started getting scared at the fact that she mentioned my mom's name.
I soon entered the vents on my effort to escape. I jumped down in a room and met up with Marcus and Frankie.
Marcus told us to follow him.
We met up with a guard in front of us and Frankie shot him down before he could react. These M16s were really coming in handy. A large group appeared just ahead of us. The 3 of us jumped into cover. They started shooting at us.
"Where's this escape plan of yours!" I shout trying to compete with the noise of the all the guns blazing.
"It's in a room just ahead. We need to get rid of these guys first" Marcus explains. Frankie and I decide to through 2 frag granades at the guards.. As it exploded we witnessed bodies fly everywhere.

We reached the room and entered. It was quite small.
"So where do we go from here?" I ask. Marcus points outside the window.
"What no ways man. Are you crazy?" Frankie laughs.
"Yes way bro. We jumping out the window" he replied.
"Ummmm Marcus we're freaking 10 floors up, we will die" I mention.
"Don't worry there's a large pool of water outside" he assured.
"That doesn't make things better, we're still 10 floors up" I say again.
Marcus ignores my last comment and tries to break down the window.
"No ways man I'm out" Frankie tells us as he walks back to the door. He opens the door and closes it immediately after he sees who's outside.
"It's Briggs" he says. He locks the door and asks me to help him push a book shelve in front of the door. After succeeding in our attempt to block the door we turn our heads to Marcus who is still trying to break down the glass. I grab a stool and hit the window with it. The window was still intact.
"Give us the fucking crystal" Briggs ordered from outside. The savages tried to open the door. The book shelve wasn't going to hold itself for much longer. The door was opened a bit but the shelve was still blocking it.
"Hurry the hell up their doing something in there" I hear Briggs say.

We finally broke the window down. I looked outside and saw the large pool.
"That's a long way down" I mutter.
"Don't worry Debz it's only 10 stories" Marcus laughs. We moved back so that we could run before jumping.
"Ok guys on the count of 3" Marcus said.
"1...2...3" he said. But no one moved.
"Ok now I promise when we get to 10 we jump" he said once again. I could tell that he was scared. We were all scared. It's 10 freaking stories.
"1...2...3...4..10" Marcus skipped as the savages finally got the door open. We ran and jumped out just as Briggs got in the room. It was scary, knowing that we were so high up and the fact that there's no platform to keep us from falling made my adrenaline kick in. Everything went silent. I couldn't hear the sound of Marcus and Frankie's screams anymore. My sense of hearing dissapeared. The wind was blowing in my face as I was waving my hands in the air like in the movies when people jump from high places. I geuss I was a movie star. Everything was so quiet. I looked around the city as our altitude decreased. My sense of hearing came back as we were closer to the ground. I started hearing the boy's scream again just before hitting the water. A large splash occured which was something I was proud of. While underwater for a short period I saw Marcus wave at me and I waved back. I got out the freezing water and lied down on the brick tiles next to the pool. My clothes were soaking wet. The boys also got out and laughed.
"Ha ha I can't believe we did that" Marcus said in utter disbelief.
"I'm alive" Frankie cried out.
"We are freaking awesome" I add. The 3 of us hugged each other and laughed.
After that a car stopped near us. Curtis opened the door and told us to get in.

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