Chapter 28 (Erica's Treachery)

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Jackson sat down next to me while wiping his tears. I knew that Jackson and Debby were crying for the same reason.
"Hey man you ok?" Ricky asked him.
"No man I'm not ok. I won't be for a long time" he answered.
"What happened?"
"Debby and I broke up" he choked on he's tears.
"I'm really sorry bro is there anything we can do to help?"
"No it's ok. She cheated on me with Ben" Jackson added.
"That's deep so are you going to punch him in the face or should I"
"No it's not worth it, oh and Erica's looking for you Marus" he says.
"Thanks man I'll check up on you later"

The sun started setting and honestly it made me want to hold onto Erica forever under the attractive orange sky. I spotted her on that same hill top where Jackson was chilling earlier. As I got to the top I wanted to hug her but she stopped me.
"Hey baby what's wrong?" I was concerned. Why was everyone so moody today.
"Tell me Marcus, do you remember how we started dating?" she asked me.
"I'm so sorry Erica but I don't" I answered. I don't even remember how I started dating my own girlfriend.
"Do you remember your Parents?"
"Only my mother, I don't know much about my father"

"I remember my father. Everybody loved him. And before you guys, he was all I had. My dad got touched by a demon way long before we knew about paradise. I was in the first grade at the time. When he got sick, I didn't know what to do. I just kept him locked up. Hidden from the world. I thought he'd get better. Every night, orange veins would appear on his body and they looked worse every single time. He'd start making these loud noises, like screaming. And then, one night, Debby's father knocked on my door. He's name is Jeremiah by the way. Jeremiah told me that he was there to help my dad and I let him in. A few minutes later my dad stopped screaming. He was finally quiet. I went down to his room. And there was blood everywhere. Not just his blood but also Jeremiah's. My dad just sat there, calm. He said he was feeling better. After that moment I made my dad a promise that I'd always stay on his side no matter what. Turns out my dad was involved on a big project called ProjectParadise. He made paradise alongside Jeremiah. My dad was working for the savages all this time and 5 years ago he'd tell me stories about paradise. I was soon admitted in the SAVAGES youth division. I've been in this dimension more times then I can count" Erica explained with tears on her face. I was flabbergasted. What Erica just said changed the way I look at things. She was a freaking savage the whole time.
"So what you telling me is that you knew the way out of this place the entire time!" I shouted.
"Yes I did" she answered.
"Is that why you hate Debby because her father was involved in all of this somehow?" I questioned.
"Oh no, I'm angry at Debby for a whole different reason. You'll find out soon enough" she winked.
"Erica I can't believe you. So everything that you've done with us was a lie our relationship was a fucking lie!" I tried holding in my tears.
"I needed to date you cause I knew Debby would find the clues her father left for her eventually and obviously Jackson would help her and invite you guys. There's a reason why I'm doing all this"
"You dated me because you needed a way back to this dimension?" I let all my tears out. Erica broke me.
"Yes but over time I grew to love you" she answered. I wanted to walk away but she stopped me.

"I'm really sorry Marcus"
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. I can't forgive you for what you did, you betrayed us!" I raised my voice.
"That's not what I'm apologizing for"
"Then what are you apoligizing for?" I asked curiously.
"For what I'm about to do next" she said. She dug in her pocket and threw something on the dirt. I picked it up and dusted it off. It was one of Briggs' trackers. It was switched on. Then she took out a walkie talkie that belonged to the savages. My eyes were wide opened. It turns out that she contacted Briggs without anyone knowing. I looked behind her and saw multiple helicopters from a distance. All from Savage and they were heading this way.
"I'm sorry I had to do this to you Marcus but it's the only way. I need everyone to see how dangerous Debby is. I keep on warning you guys that Debby's gonna get us killed but no one seems to listen to me" she said.
"Fuck you Erica, FUCK YOU!" I started running back to the village. I had to warn the others. Before I could reach the others, the first helicopter arrived and shot a missile at the village. I fell from the explosion that happened after. I got back up and heard the sound of people screaming everywhere. I was still on the hill and looked down at the dismantled village. I had to get down there immediately. I still can't believe that Erica did all of this. She hurt a lot of innocent people including my friends. One day I swear she'll pay for this.

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