Chapter 5 (Freezing Point)

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"Charlie" Williams said grabbing everyone's attention.
"Don't ask me if I'm alright as you guys can see I'm fine!" he shouted while sitting up. Debby quicky covered his mouth leaving him with a confused expression on his face.
Sreeching was soon heard all over the walls. I held Debby's hand.
"Jackson are you you scared?" Debby asked me. I can see they all wanted to laugh.
"No I'm holding your hand cause you scared" I answered.
One of the demons jumped inside the theatre through the giant screen.
I was the first one out. Not because I was scared but because I was being brave and leading the group. Ok I'm lying I almost shit my pants. I started thinking to myself. The same thought that I had while I was still in high school. How the fuck is this real.  How am I dating Debby. How did the  majority of the 12th grade die in just  couple of weeks. Maybe this wasn't real. Maybe I was just dreaming or maybe I was plugged up like some sort of lab experiment.

"Up the escalators!" Amanda shouted snapping me out of my deep strange world of thoughts. As I turned my head around the demoms were smashing everything that was in their way. The gang saw a large window at the end of the hallway of the floor which we were currently on. Marcus tapped my shoulder repeatedly until I looked at him.
"We should jump out the window!" He said exhaustively.
"What are you crazy, I'm not doing that"
"Dude you have to trust me, have I ever put you in danger?" He said as I started remembering the time in middle school when Marcus walked across the street and I followed him. The traffic lights were fucking green when a car almost bumped me.
"Ok that was only one time dude" he said laughing. I shook my head. We jumped through the window as the glass shattered. There were a lot of vines hanging on to the roof of the mall so we grabbed those while repelling to the first floor once again.

Ricky kicked down the windows of the butchary as the whole gang went in after him. The twins found a meat locker and told us to get in. They closed and locked it. It was freezing in here. The demons lost sight of us at long last. I wasn't scared anymore which was a good thing because I  wanted to show everyone that I was the bravest man on earth especially Debby.
"Is everyone ok" I asked with a very deep voice.
"Yeah we alright but the real question is are you ok"? Ricky asked laughing.
Everyone joined laughing at me.
"Hey for the record I was being scared for you guys, I didn't want y'all to be scared alone" I defended myself.
They continued laughing. A few minutes past as everyone splitted into different groups  to having their own conversations in this very small and cold meat locker.

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