Chapter 5: A Day in Town

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Hideyoshi came to my room a couple hours after breakfast, and by the time he got there I was more than ready to go. The excitement of leaving the castle proper to go to the town below, was more than enough to wake me early, let alone have trouble sleeping the night before.

We headed toward the front gates, and along the way, ran into Masumune. I had come to notice that Masumune would have to be what was considered in modern terms, as a 'free-spirit'. Of all the warlords, and my brief interactions with most of them, he seemed to be the one least bound by ceremony and convention, not caring in the slightest what others thought of him or his behavior. In the land of the warrior, he had to be the only one so far who didn't seem to have a perpetual stick up his ass.

"Hideyoshi." Masumune greeted my walking companion, before looking to me. "And our Princess as well. Good morning to you both."

"Morning, Masumune." I could barely contain myself. "We're going shopping!" The obvious excitement in my voice, and almost bouncy attitude, brought a smile to Masumune and an odd look from Hideyoshi.

"I wouldn't think that you would be quite so excited to just look for a few things."

"Hideyoshi, for such a ladies man, I would think you of all people would know the joy that shopping is to women." I couldn't stop the half-smirk I gave as I teased him, wringing a sharp bark of laughter from Masumune.

"Very good point, Lass." Masumune turned to Hideyoshi, a genuine twinkle in his deep blue eye. "Maybe they all just follow him around since he's just a nice guy and hasn't a clue?"

"Oh I can see that..." My smirk quickly turned into a full blown smile.

"I shall just have to come with you both, purely to keep an eye on Hideyoshi you understand." Masumune stepped up to me quickly, holding an arm out toward me. "I could not stand by while you are escorted by someone who does not understand the importance of a good shopping spree." Hideyoshi's mouth dropped open, as I nonchalantly placed my hand on Masumune's arm and accepted his accompaniment. We started walking out the gate of the castle and I turned back to Hideyoshi calling out.

"Come on, slowpoke! The day's a-wasting!" He shook his head, finally a ghost of a smile started, more out of exasperation than not.

"Great, now there are two jokers in the castle."

I was extremely glad for the company, and the guys were nice enough to point out the sights and special shops in town, as well as the main open air market area. I couldn't help but gawk at all the different people, all seeming to be very happy. Rule under Nobunaga must not have been that bad. I'm sure there were areas and people who weren't 'with the program' so to speak, Sasuke and his employers being a few. Everywhere has its unsavory characters, and while they weren't apparent, I was sure they were there. Maybe it was my past training, but I still felt eyes upon us as we walked from shop to shop.

We stopped to rest at an outdoor tea house, and Hideyoshi left me in Masumune's care while we went to do the business he needed here in town. We ordered some green tea and sweet dumplings, and sat to have our snack.

"I really don't like all this attention." I sipped my tea and almost covertly looked at those passing by, my eyes just barely coming over the cup. There weren't any obvious stares, most people just glancing as they passed, whether out of natural curiosity or being polite. I mean, I know flame red hair is unusual, not to mention I am in the company of not one, but two Lords of the castle.

Masumune looked around, and no-one was staring. His gaze came back to me, a pleased smile across his lips.

"You are a sharp one, Lass. I've been keeping an eye on the looks you have been getting, but I did not know you were aware." He took a drink of his tea, and popped a dumpling into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "I don't sense any malicious intent, just curiosity. I am sure than most have heard of the arrival of the Oda Princess." He looked at me intently. "Just to be sure though, it might be best for you to not be out past dark without an escort."

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