Chapter 52: Keeping Her Waiting

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Kenshin stood at the bars of the cell, so close he was almost leaning against them. He wanted to see her, and he didn't want the bars in the way of his vision. It would be a simple thing to just open the door, to walk inside, but the bars are there for a reason. Right now it was a good thing they kept him out. He didn't want to wake Alexis, but after his nightmare? He wanted to touch her, to hold her, reassure himself she was healthy and safe.

Right on the heels of that, was an instinct to claim her as his own. Far more violent and primal, the sheer desire making his breath thick in his throat. Kenshin's blue and green eyes roamed over the lithe form of Alexis in her futon, sleeping kimono slightly parted revealing soft, creamy white skin. Her blood red hair was unbound, falling around her shoulders, and splayed across the fabric of the futon.

Kenshin's hands itched to run his fingers through the soft silk of her hair, and the memory of the passion in her kiss before he left was burned into his psyche. No. He was more than his passions, more than this violent need that stole all his reason. He had to leave, before he did something he could never take back, and never forget. He had needed to see her, and see her safe. That done, Kenshin turned on his heel, walking away from the cell, and ignoring the painful tightness in his chest as he did so.


Sasuke watched from the shadows behind Kenshin, his eyes not bothering with Alexis. She was fine, that much he was certain of. He was not nearly as confident in the mental strength of Kenshin right now. Kenshin waking in the middle of the night wasn't new, not by far. Usually when it happened, the violent Warlord would drink sake until he could sleep again, and then be back up at dawn. Wanting to leave his men behind and return to the castle early? Unheard of.

Sasuke stood close, watching the play of emotions across Kenshin's face, his own giving no hint as to his thoughts. The look of absolute relief that crossed the white marble features of Kenshin as he looked at Alexis, surprised Sasuke for just a moment, but not as much as the sheer intensity of naked desire that lit up his eyes a second later. Quickly following was the steel resolve so typical of Kenshin, and he turned and abruptly left the dungeons.

Sasuke followed, suppressing the slight grin that threatened to peek across his stoic face. Sasuke highly doubted that Kenshin realized how he looked when he stared at Alexis. It was so obvious to an outside observer that the guy was completely smitten with her, and yet he didn't want to admit it himself. Such a waste of time.

Sasuke pushed up his glasses, looking to the side and down the dungeon corridor with a covert glance. As expected, the assassin, Takumi Hanzo, was awake and watching. Kenshin most likely would not like the idea, but having a Shadow for Alexis could only be a good thing. Maybe Sasuke himself could train Takumi in the delicate task of 'handling' Alexis as well as Sasuke himself took care of Kenshin.

The idea that he would have to take care of the two of them by himself felt like an overwhelming task, as the strong, stubborn, passionate, and ofttimes violent Alexis caused chaos in her wake in the modern world more often than not. Add that to Kenshin's tendencies and it is like throwing water on a grease fire. He was going to need help, and neither Yukimura or Shingen would be of much use in this regard. Takumi would be perfect, and Sasuke resolved himself to convince the impossible Kenshin of that fact if it killed him.


Dungeon doors parted and the two men walked out into the courtyard, and Sasuke couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Kenshin?" The quiet question broke the God of War from his own internal conflict, and he turned to his good friend and Ninja commander.

"Wake the staff. I want to take care of any business I missed while away as soon as possible. Have them go to the meeting room."

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