Chapter 20: Medieval Frat Party

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I was still excited about the whole prospect, and followed Sasuke like an eager puppy to the inn at the edge of town where they were holding the party.

Sasuke opened the sliding door to the room and I followed him in, smiling at everyone in greeting.

"Hey there, Alexis. Glad you could make it." I took the nearest seat of the two that were currently unoccupied, sitting down in front of the tray as my eyes met those of Kenshin.

Kenshin was as cool and cold as usual, his eyes chips of ice as he looked first at me before addressing Sasuke. His tone was more than cold, it was glacial, so scathing it burned.

"Sasuke, you actually brought a woman? You brought THIS woman?? Why?"

Great. I was back to 'woman' again. I shouldn't be surprised. Apparently, Sasuke can't read people as well as he can mathematical calculations. I gave Sasuke a slightly irritated glance that said 'I told you so' without saying a word.

Sasuke was completely unfazed about the whole situation and calmly poured himself some sake.

"I believed that having her here would make for a better party, and as your vassal I thought you might appreciate that."

"I don't. It's a nuisance."

Huh. All of a sudden I got a weird feeling of deja vu. Kenshin's statement reminded me so much of Ieyasu just then it was uncanny. Instead of 'It's a nuisance', it was 'It's a pain.' but the similarity was there. I instantly looked at Sasuke, who was once more putting on his trademark glasses.

"He's a tsundere isn't he?" To which I was rewarded with a small smile.

"I would think he's a little more violent, so watch your ass." Sasuke took a drink of his sake, a wealth of information in his eyes. I absorbed the material like a sponge, knowing I would have to mull that piece of data over in my head.

Kenshin ignored our conversation and drank his sake in one go. Sasuke filled it again for him without even a heartbeat of a pause.

"Refusing the gift of the company of a lovely lady? I'll gladly accept if you don't want to Kenshin." I could almost hear Kenshin grinding his teeth from six feet away. A second later I found myself with the powerful arm of Shingen draped around my waist.

"I am not a party favor, so I would appreciate it if you would keep your hands to yourself."

I looked up at that romance novel hunk and those half lidded eyes smoldering at me. I stared at him in utter disbelief, realizing that unless I wanted to break the man's arm, I wasn't getting away from him any time soon. Shingen was not to be deterred in the least, and I started getting the feeling he was doing it on purpose to piss off Kenshin.

"I consider it a favor that you could join us this evening. If you have no other plans tonight, would you like to join me in an amorous congress until dawn?"

"Could I get a -very- stiff drink before I even consider answering that question?"

Kenshin was fit to be tied, and looked like he wanted to kill Shingen right then and there. His words were spat like venom at Shingen and colder than I had ever heard.

"Are you even capable of speaking to a woman without using your cheap pick up lines?

"Are you capable of speaking to one at all?" Shingen didn't even pause with the comeback. "Besides, I don't use 'lines', I say what I feel."

"Then so will I. I'm disgusted by your behavior."

"From the man with the most twisted personality I've ever met? I'll take that as a compliment." It was like poking a Tiger with a stick and Shingen was enjoying it. I could only watch what was happening, savoring the show more than I really should have.

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