Chapter 9: Good Company

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A couple hours later found me wandering through the streets of town. I had just finished delivering another commissioned kimono at the last minute. As I had been leaving the castle, one of the seamstresses had finally found me. She had been looking for me, as the Lady who had ordered the kimono wanted me to deliver it. Of course then, when I arrived with the delivery, the woman insisted on gossiping and it had been impossible to extract myself from her for over an hour, even though I barely said two words to her the whole time.

As I was passing by one of the restaurants, rich and savory smells assaulted my nostrils, like a thick stew or grilled fish, and the promise I had made myself of a drink came to the forefront of my brain. I didn't even bother to resist, and went inside. I had just walked into the establishment when a movement caught my eyes and I heard my name called.

"Hey, Alexis!" I turned to sound of the voice and spotted Sasuke waving to me from a table at the back of the room. My face lit up with a smile as I waved back. "Come sit with us!"

I headed towards the table spotting him sitting having dinner with Kenshin. I grabbed one of the waitstaff as I moved toward them.

"I need three very, very large carafes of sake brought to that table please." The waiter nodded and hurried off as I stepped over to the guys.

From the seat opposite Sasuke, Kenshin looked at me coldly.

"I see you are sniffing around Sasuke as always." I gave Kenshin a look back that wasn't all that friendly either.

"I was sniffing around the restaurant. I didn't realize the two of you were even here." My tone of voice made it clear that if I had known they would be here I most likely wouldn't be.

"Honestly, I don't care." No shit.

"Have a seat, Alexis." I smiled at Sasuke and sat down next to him

"Thanks!" I looked over and Kenshin seemed to be having a bit of a problem, his face pulled into a frown and was clearly not happy to have the extra company. "And hello to you as well, Kenshin." I was summarily ignored. It hurt a little, but I wasn't too upset, especially since Sasuke didn't seem bothered in the least. Well it's not as if I am going to be joining them for his sake anyway.

"Sasuke, you need to stop inviting this woman into your life." With a clear look of displeasure, Kenshin poured himself more sake. Sasuke just shook his head, taking his employers mood in stride.

"Its not as if its an inconvenience to have the company, and she's prettier than you are." Sasuke shrugged, his manner easy, and it was very obvious that they were closer friends than they were employer and employee.

"Is he always this charming?" I pointedly ignored Kenshin and spoke to Sasuke. It was a shame really that the guys attitude was such crap. I suppose that since he was -way- to pretty there had to be some sort of karmic balance.

"I'll get you more sake." I stopped Sasuke, shaking my head and earning me a glare from Kenshin.

"Nah, I have a round coming. The next one is on me." Kenshin poured himself another drink, and quickly downed it, as if taking a shot, finishing up the carafe of sake he had been working on.

"Then we can get the food, you are hungry right?" My head bobbed up and down agreeing wholeheartedly. Sasuke has always been so sweet, far unlike a certain someone at the table. Nothing like dinner with a guy who's known for being battle-crazy, and from what I knew at school and in passing conversation, Kenshin was certainly that.

From my seat next to Sasuke, I tried to get comfortable. After the day I had, I was looking to relax, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to do that with Kenshin here, and I eyed him warily. I'd like to think that it's a clash of personality, but Kenshin disturbs me on a fundamental level. I can't tell if I am scared to death of him, want to stab him with his own sword, or just jump his bones. Maybe all three...

One Bright Day in the Middle of the NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora