Chapter 11: Accidents Happen

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The next afternoon found me sitting in Hideyoshi's study speaking with both him and Mitsunari. Currently, they were the only two Warlords in residence. Mitsuhide was off only God knows where on an errand for Nobunaga, and I suspected it had to do with the assassination attempt now almost two weeks ago. Both Masamune and Ieyasu had went with Nobunaga on whatever errand they had to do. I never asked, and honestly I didn't want to know. Either way, they would be back in a day or two, but for now, I had these two for company. Well, not counting Sasuke and Kenshin.

We were sipping tea and going over the seamstress accounts. Happily, we were actually turning a profit, between my designs and the fabrics we had had in stock already. I really do hate spending money when I don't have to.

"Lord Hideyoshi! Lord Hideyoshi!" One of the maids came tearing around the corner, panic in her eyes and voice. We all stood as one, turning to her as she tried to catch her breath to speak.

"What's wrong?" Hideyoshi was tense, but calm.

"The chef knocked a knife from the cabinet and cut his arm! There's blood everywhere and Ieyasu..." She hadn't even finished when I started moving. I cut her off.

"Where is he?"

"He's still in the kitchen, but Princess..."

"Go to my room, and get my sewing kit off the top of the dresser and bring it to the kitchen." She hesitated, and I pushed her none to gently out of the room. "Move it!" At that, she ran in one direction, while I started off, full speed toward the kitchens. Thank God I was wearing my new outfit. To the Warlords surprise, I easily broke out into a run.

"I'll stay here. You go." Mitsunari easily let us handle things. After a moments hesitation, Hideyoshi came with me, keeping up with me easily as we tore off down the walkway.

"Alexis, what are you...."

"Hideyoshi, either help or not, but stay out of my way." About a minute later, we entered the kitchen proper and the chef was sitting on a chair holding a bloodied towel to his right arm, while the rest of the staff stood around him. I took charge in a moment, my EMT training coming to the front.

"Everyone move it! Quit standing around!" I pointed to one of the other cooks. "Anything in that pot yet or is it just boiling water?"

"It's just water, Princess."

"Then bring it here with some fresh towels." I turned to one of the maids next. "Get me a bottle of good distilled alcohol if you have it, or sake." She looked at me stunned.

"Now!" My barked order wasn't shouted, but the whole kitchen jumped at the command, and the maid took off running. "If I haven't given you something to do, then get out! I don't need everyone standing around here."

Hideyoshi still stood at the entry to the kitchen, and he stepped forward as I took the chef's arm and set it on the table, carefully unwinding the towel. I took a second clean towel and put it under the chef's arm.

"You did quite a number on yourself didn't you." The slash was deep, and about four inches across the meat of his forearm. Thankfully it looked like it was just into the muscle and had missed any ligaments or tendons. "Going to need stitches."

The maid came in from the storeroom and handed me a bottle. I pulled the cork with my teeth, and smelled it. It wasn't sake, but something more like vodka. It would do. I handed it to the chef and dipped a clean towel in the hot water.

"Drink up." He looked at me for a minute before his eyes went to Hideyoshi for confirmation. Hideyoshi nodded, and the chef took a sip. A bit exasperated, I lifted the bottom of the bottle and pushed it back toward the guys mouth when he tried to lower it.

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