Chapter 27:What a Woman Wants

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I hadn't seen Kenshin since I came back to consciousness in his dungeon, but he didn't seem mad at me. He was definitely not happy last time I saw him, and I couldn't help the express feeling of longing as I looked at him. His icy frown and clenched jaw as Shingen left, only served to show how much I missed him. Kenshin was still perfect in my eyes, and I realized with that, how much of an idiot I truly was, or at least felt like.

Kenshin finally turned towards me, and the look in his eyes made my breath catch. There was no ice, no cold consideration, or irritation I could see.

"How are you feeling, Alexis?"

 Kenshin's tone washed over me like warm butter, and threw me off my game so badly, I completely forgot about any scolding I had wanted to give him or had rehearsed in my head over the last few days. The honestly earnest question made me blank out any snarky response I might have otherwise given.

"I'm good." 

What the Hell is wrong me me? Good?? What part of this is good exactly? I took a deep breath and tried to think about what I could possibly say. I know I didn't want to run him off, that was for sure, so I needed to choose my words carefully. It was probably a good thing that he had completely caught me off-guard.

"Is there anything you need?" Kenshin stepped forward, standing just beyond the bars. "I have instructed that fresh-cut flowers be sent daily and new books and paper be brought to you regularly, but if you have any other requests..." Sasuke was right, he was no longer mad and sounded rather eager to please me. It was almost...weird.

"I don't need anymore things, but I do want to thank you for trying to make me comfortable. The furnishings you picked out really are stunning."

 An antique collector would love even one of these pieces. My mind flashed in several different directions at once, but I was loathe to screw with his mood. I'll have to be careful how I approach this. If he's no longer mad at me, why am I still down here? Is he afraid I'll run off?

"So you liked the things I picked for you?"

I nodded, watching his face for some sort of clue.

"But you still don't look happy." Kenshin's face went into a disappointed frown, his eyes losing a bit of their sparkle. It was as if he was straining to see what it was that I might consider obvious. "Tell me. What do I need to do to see you smile again? Smile like you did before..."

I was in a slight state of shock, so much so that I really couldn't think of what to say. He wants me to smile?

"Would you like a new kimono? Or I could have a meal prepared for you by our chef. I could have music played if you would rather."

Ok, this is beyond ridiculous. What the Hell is Kenshin thinking? He was furious at me for concealing my association with Nobunaga, and now he's almost begging me to be happy? I couldn't help it. If he runs off from me so be it.

"Ok, Kenshin, let's forget about the obvious for a minute." The fact that I'm in a damn cell is indeed obvious, but he wasn't getting it, and I wasn't going to point it out. "Do you seriously think I'm the type of woman who would be happy with fancy material goods?" That's it Alexis, go with it.

"Then what do you want?" Apparently, I actually need to say it. I sighed, trying to temper my thoughts and words. The guy is clueless. I have met dense men in my lifetime, but Kenshin takes the cake.

"Does the fact that I'm stuck in a cell in a dungeon elude you? It's still a cage no matter how pretty you make it." My eyes flashed at him in irritation. Kenshin frowned, so I knew he understood what I was saying. He didn't turn and take off just yet, so I kept going.

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