Chapter 45: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

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It is the sound of battle during its peak that makes the calm after the fighting so poignant. It wasn't over, not yet, but with the Sassa army in full retreat, complete victory was only a matter of time. It had taken a day to get here, and two more to get up to the gates of the castle the Sassa clan called home. Kenshin was still atop his white charger, cutting down the men who dared to cross him even as they fled.

Sasuke rode up to Kenshin stopping next to his best friend and Lord. It was only through good information obtained by Sasuke, and the exemplary tactics of Kenshin that was able to bring this conflict to an end so quickly. Nothing Kenshin had done would have lured out Sassa, but the information Sasuke had gotten from Takumi proved invaluable.


Sasuke want down the steps into the dungeon, his footsteps nearly unheard even in the echoing stone corridor. He had just returned from Etchu, and while he had sent a preliminary account already, he wanted to talk to the assassin, Takumi, before he reported his findings to Lord Kenshin. He slipped past Alexis' cell, her heavy, even breathing not changing as she slept. She wasn't a heavy sleeper, so if he wanted to keep from being grilled over his mission, he had better stay quiet.

It was really no surprise to Sasuke that Takumi was awake when he walked over to his cell. The ninja assassin turned bright eyes to Sasuke, alert even this early in the morning, only raising one eyebrow in question as Sasuke went up to the bars and crouched down closer to where Takumi was leaning up against the stone wall. It was only when Sasuke crouched down that he realized something. He turned his head just barely, looking slightly behind him. From this exact angle, you could see Alexis' cell, and who approached it. Interesting.

Sasuke's analytic mind quickly turned over possibilities in his head before turning to the man jailed before him.

"You are watching over her as she sleeps aren't you?"

Sasuke's tone of voice was low and even, with no trace of emotion, just a simple statement of fact worded as a question. He spoke in an even whisper, without any inflection in wording that might raise the tone of his voice to a level where it may wake Alexis from her sleep.

Takumi didn't speak, just nodded in answer. Sasuke considered this for a moment.

"You were sent to kill both Kenshin and her, so why? It's not as if you could do anything if someone came down."

Takumi gave a small smirk, his black eyes almost sparkling as he answered Sasuke.

"I only need to shout a warning. I know  Lady Alexis can take care of problems that arise on her own, but it never hurts to have a slight bit of warning first."

Sasuke nodded, pleased that Takumi knew to keep his voice quiet as well. Takumi glanced in the direction of Alexis' cell, his mouth turning into a concerned frown.

"Sassa isn't going to make things easy for Lord Kenshin, but since he just got back from his campaign last year, he hasn't had time to amass many troops. He's going to keep his troops close and try to lure Lord Kenshin into a lengthy siege of the castle. There is another way though..." Takumi's voice trailed off almost as if he forgot what he was saying, but he caught Sasuke raising one eyebrow in question.

Takumi echoed Sasuke's own thoughts, and it was almost gratifying to have a hunch confirmed by someone else's knowledge.

"I came close to that conclusion myself while I was scouting Sassa's castle." Sasuke looked at Takumi calmly, carefully considering his words before speaking. "Why do you want to give me any information at all? I don't know if doing so would benefit you or not, so why take the risk?"

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