Chapter 19: Invited to Party

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"Tonight, I've decided to bed you."

My eyes went wide with surprise, my voice held not even a little hesitation.

"Like hell you will."

Oh, this is really not good. Nobunaga didn't even hesitate, grasping me around the waist and pulling me towards him in a single fluid motion, reminding me entirely of the day we met. There was a much different look in his eyes now. Then was more of a passing fancy, but currently there was alot more there than simple interest. I planted both hands firmly against his chest, attempting to keep a bit of space between us. Not good, not good, not good. No panicking, Alexis. For the first time ever, I actually wanted someone to save me, and an image of Kenshin popped up in my head. Wait, what?

"And why not? Do you have anything better to do tonight? I need help sleeping, and the exercise would definitely help me sleep."

Nobunaga's raised his hand, caressing down the side of my face to my neck as he spoke, his voice and actions threatening to overcome my resolve. Don't get me wrong, Nobunaga is a handsome man, and his power is undeniably there. Usually that would be one hell of a potent cocktail for me but the second the image of Kenshin flashed through my head? Yeah, this isn't going to happen.

"You want exercise, I don't mind beating the hell out of you with a Shinai. That I can easily provide."

It was well within the realm of possibility to get away from him, but that had to be done tactfully. I made a vow, one where I would not raise a hand against him. Damn. That particular sticking point might be trouble if Nobunaga doesn't feel like cooperating. Then, Nobunaga came up with what he thought was the perfect solution and I latched onto it like a lifeline.

"Didn't you say you pledged yourself to me? To use when I have need?" He leaned forward, a smile of triumph on his face. My blue eyes went cold, a thin smile curving its way across my face that made Nobunaga actually pause.

"I pledged my sword to you. I never said anything about my body." And certainly not my heart, but he wasn't interested in that. Right now it was all about the physical. I got to him with that, and in his brief lapse his grip loosened and I spun out of his arms and stood a little bit away from him. He wasn't happy.

"What do you mean?" His eyes were hard and cold as ever, that slight spark of sensuality I had glimpsed extinguished in an instant.

"Exactly what I said. If you remember, I pledged by sword to you, to use as you see fit. There was nothing about giving you even the hand that wielded the sword, let alone my whole body." I put my hands on my hips and glared up at him. "I am one of your vassals, am I right?"

Nobunaga's face had lost the harsh edge as I spoke, and I could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

"You are."

"So if I am just one of your vassals, you sleep with them as well or am I just special?"

"What?" Nobunaga's eyes went wide at my words.

"I mean I can probably see Hideyoshi, but Masamune would most likely demand you buy him dinner first, and Ieyasu would try to kill you."

"What are you talking about?" Nobunaga's tone was thick with irritation and curiosity, each warring with the other.

"I mean, that if asked, Hideyoshi would most likely be the only one to come to your bed if ordered to." I thought about it a minute more. "Or Mitsuhide, but that guy would definitely want to top."

"What are you saying?" He wasn't getting my references and his frustration was obvious.

"I'm asking if you bed your men."

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