Chapter 58: Truth and Consequences

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Kenshin's eyes smoldered with hot passion as he moved back after that scorching kiss. My eyes had glazed over, the heat in his making me want to keep going, to have him ravage me right then and there. I wanted nothing more than to have our love and passion soothe the pain we both felt, make it fall to the side as if it was of no consequence. I felt better about the whole situation, as if a great weight was lifted up off my chest, just having spoken with him, having him in my arms. To my dismay, Kenshin moved away, breaking from my embrace, and I couldn't help the slight sigh of protest as he did.

His bi-color eyes lost none of their heat, but a superior smirk curved his lips up, making his gorgeous face even more striking. He took my breath away, in more ways than one, almost disturbing in it's intensity.

That's it...I'm obsessed. One night and I already can't live without him....

Kenshin stared at me intensely, his eyes boring into mine as he stepped closer once more. He raised an elegant hand up to my face, running his fingers along my cheek to my jaw. His eyes went soft, his gaze suddenly tender as he brushed a stray lock of hair from my face, putting it behind my ear.

"Nothing can harm me, but if you were to die? I'd die as well..."

I shook my head, realizing quite quickly that telling him I'd die before I left him, might not have been the best possible response, as true as it now was.

"I don't want you to die, Kenshin..."

"What would you want me to do? I wouldn't be alive if you left me."

I searched his face, my eyes seeking a clue as to what he was trying to say. Kenshin truly believed what he was saying. His eyes held a hint of sadness, but were clear and determined, much like the man himself. Things are finally starting to come together for me. Kenshin has always had such a strong sense of responsibility, and he's so trusting of those who are close to him. It's why he blames himself for the death of Isehime. We aren't all that different even for the hundreds of years between our births.

As I had thought, Kenshin's mind and emotions were broken and tattered, but I saw why now. He had locked me up, not for any crime I had committed but because he couldn't bear to lose me. All that time, he loved me, albeit in his own twisted way. Maybe my love is just as damn twisted because I love him despite everything. I still felt the need to reassure him of one simple fact.

"Just so you are aware, I'm not the type of person to ever take my own life. Now I know the whole idea of Seppuku, honorable suicide, is a big thing among Japanese, but I'm afraid I don't agree with the philosophy." I held my hand up for a second, cutting off his protest. "I've always viewed that as the cowards way out, a way to escape what was going on around you without ever taking responsibility for your own actions." My words rang true with the strength of my convictions. "You're not putting me in danger by loving me, Kenshin."

Kenshin's face quickly became completely inscrutable, and just as fast, you could almost see the 'click' in his head as he put things together.

"Then I won't let you die. I'll protect you, for all eternity."

That simple statement combined with his completely immobile attitude on the subject made my heart pound. My mind quickly turned into a puddle of mush at the sickeningly sweet words. I licked my lips and grinned at him, not even close to wanting to let him see how much he affected me with those simple words.

"Well then, I'd better let you. It'll be a nice change of pace to have someone other than myself to rely on." I leaned into him, my lips moving closer to his. A small smile broke across my lips, my eyes dancing. "I expect you to do a good job."

One Bright Day in the Middle of the Nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن