Chapter 59: Of Friends and Enemies...

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"I completely understand. Knowing my employer and my best friend have become lovers gives me inexpressible joy." Sasuke couldn't keep the slight waver out of his voice as he swallowed, and I watched with a bit of amusement as a drop of sweat trickled down the side of his face. "That being said, could you please put away your sword, Lord Kenshin? It's poking me in the small of my back."

"No." Kenshins response to the negative made me pause just slightly.

Hmmm....I wonder if I should step in?

"You know, Kenshin, we were having a peaceful discussion here..."

As amusing as I thought the situation to be, it was obvious that Kenshin was taking this extremely seriously. Kenshin radiated murder as he stood, still as an angry statue with his sword positioned at Sasuke's tight back.

"I despise peace."

I gave a slight huff, my lips still turned into a wry grin. Sasuke glared daggers at me, his eyes both condemning me for laughing at his situation while pleading for me to do something about it.

"Be that as it may, peace likes you and thinks you two can still work things out."

I saw absolutely no evidence that Kenshin was even the slightest bit moved by my suggestion. Sasuke, to his credit, understood the issue. He's not an idiot in the slightest, and of anyone, Sasuke has to be the definitive expert on the mercurial moods of Kenshin.

"No, no. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have kept the time travel a secret, and I do apologize. In my defense, you never showed any interest in my origin story and so the chance to explain slipped by."

Sasuke spoke quickly, his body rigid and unmoving. I was on the opposite side of Kenshin's sword, but it was plain to see any false move on the part of my buddy would most likely end in a very large puncture wound at this point.

"That's not why I'm upset..." Kenshin's usually glacial voice was laced with fire, and it took me slightly by surprise.

Oh? That could be either good or bad.....

Kenshin glared at Sasuke who sat frozen in a repentant posture.

"Alexis has chosen to stay with me. You haven't given me your answer... Are you planning to quit my service and return to that peaceful world where they arrest you for just having a sword??"

Ohhh.....okay...Kenshin's not upset with Sasuke....he's just using his own brand of extreme encouragement to get him to stay....

The knowledge clicked for Sasuke at exactly the same time.

"Now I understand. You're threatening to kill me because you are worried I'll leave you."

"Who said I was worried? I'm not." The denial slipped past Kenshin's lips on a slick coat of his verbal ice.

Oh yeah....He was worried...

The Warlord wasn't done, his eyes still burning as his voice was laced with cold finality.

"But if you intend to desert? I will kill you. Or lock you up. Perhaps both."

Sasuke's eyebrows flew up in shocked surprise, and I used the tea cup to cover the knowing smirk on my lips as my eyes met those of my stoic ninja friend.

"Both you say? I believe we have hit a new extreme..."

Briefly my mind wonders if Kenshin's love for his subordinates all goes to this extreme level, or if it's just Sasuke specific. My mind flips the idea over for a bit as I watch the two most important men in my life attempt to come to an agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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