Chapter 47: Playing Doctor

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I moved quickly as recognition dawned in Shingen's eyes and I stepped up to his side. He was still bent double, one arm supporting himself against the wall as he gasped for breath after the coughing fit. A weak smile broke over Shingen's face as I stopped next to him.

"Ahh. I truly must have died and gone to the Heavens as I now see an Angel before me...."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his usual antics, taking his face in my hand and turning it toward me as I lay my wrist across his forehead. Confusion ran through his eyes at the casual contact, and I realized quickly that he might not understand what I was doing.


"Calm down, big boy. I'm just taking your temperature, and as I expected, you're running a fever."

I took a step back from him, looking him over for just a second trying to judge if I could carry him if I had to. Yeah, not going to happen unless he's completely unconscious and even then it would be a struggle. I could probably do it if I absolutely had to, I mean, we're taught how to carry someone much larger than ourselves during training. It's not something you forget easily, but unless it's necessary I really dislike having to do it.

"How is it you are here, Alexis? How did you get out of your cell?"

Shingen's questions derailed my train of thought quite effectively, bringing me back to the situation at hand. I waved off his questions, watching as his eyes narrow in response.

"Later. I need to get you somewhere where you can lie down." I looked him over, watching as he slowly stood upright, still a little wobbly on his feet. "Can you walk with assistance or do I need to find someone else to help?"

"What do you mean by 'help'?"

I put my hands on my hips, looking Shingen over, my eyebrows raised. Shingen is around 6' tall and solid muscle to boot. In comparison to my thin, 5'4", the guy is a monster. He's almost a foot taller, and probably 100 lbs heavier than I am.

"I mean you are a bit to much for me to carry solo."

Shingen gave a snort of derision, clearly not happy with the idea.

"If you have to carry me, it means I'm dead. I'd rather you not kill me off already."

I quickly moved to support him as he wavered, not quite strong enough to move yet without collapsing. I took one of his arms and put it across my shoulders, using my body to support his.

"Where's your room?"

"Now you want to come to my bedchamber? I should be ill more often.." He gave a bit of a dark chuckle that quickly evolved into a cough. I sighed, my voice taking on a bit of an edge.

"Cut the crap, Shingen. I'm not above dropping you to the stones. Now where are we going?"

Shingen sighed back, attempting to control his breathing.

"Very well, Princess. I shall attempt to restrain myself for the time being." Shingen gestured the direction with a nod of his head. "Straight ahead, second building, second door on the left."

It was slow going, but we got to the room quickly enough. He slid open the door and I helped him to sit on a stool off to the side.

My eyes scanned the room, looking around for something I can use to help do a basic exam. Shingen watched me intently, curious as to what I as doing, but I was too preoccupied to notice.

"And here I thought you were putting me to bed...."

"Later. I need to check you out first."

"Check me out?" I ignore the obvious question in his voice. I'll explain things to him in a minute.

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