Chapter 50: Restless Night

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It was well after the noon hour when Kenshin walked out of the smithy with a supreme look of satisfaction, and Sasuke was more than relieved to see most of the tension had left Kenshin's features. Sasuke didn't move, standing still and leaning against the wall of the next building where he had a good view of the Smithy. The ninja's gaze followed Kenshin, the placid expression belying an attentiveness borne from endless training and surprise attacks from Kenshin himself.

It wasn't a bad thing, even though the training at the beginning was so harsh Sasuke was surprised he had actually lived through it. At any point in time, Kenshin would suddenly attack Sasuke, and each time it was with the intent to kill. As unorthodox as it was, it served its purpose, and Sasuke was now acutely aware of every movement around him.

Conversations with Kenshin, whenever they were serious at least, always started with the drawing of a sword. Sasuke wasn't sure when they had gotten into that habit, or which of them had started it first, but it was the easiest way to get Kenshin's attention. That in mind, anyone who knew the pair could see what was coming a mile off.

Sasuke left his spot on the wall as Kenshin came through the smithy door followed by the elderly sword-master and his senior apprentice. The two bowed to Kenshin as he left, striding away towards the keep. Sasuke was soon approaching his Lord, studying his face which once more had begun to show his irritation.

"Lord Kenshin?"

Sasuke called out but got no response at all. It was as if he had become invisible to the eyes and ears of the mercurial Warlord. Not good. Sasuke paused, as Kenshin strode closer to where he was standing.

"Hey Kenshin, what's wrong?"

Kenshin didn't even pause to look at his ninja, walking straight ahead without even faltering in his steps. It looked for all the world that Kenshin was going to walk right past Sasuke without even acknowledging his presence. Kenshin walked forward, seemingly without even bothering to notice his surroundings, and Sasuke could almost see the dark thoughts scattering from the Warlord's chaotic mind.

The God of War had been distracted for a time, but when he gets to brooding like this? Nothing good comes of it, and usually means that Kenshin's irritation and boredom have reached a boiling point. Death and dismemberment usually follow, with Sasuke left to clean up the mess. In a newly acquired territory that would be more headaches than the ninja wanted to deal with.

Sasuke stepped directly in Kenshin's path, drawing his sword as he did so. While the ninja's movement registered, it was the metallic hiss of sword leaving sheath that finally attracted Kenshin's attention.

A feral grin stretched across the marble features of Kenshin, lighting a spark behind dual colored eyes.

"I assume you have a reason to be coming at me with blade drawn?"

The words were cold as usual, but tinted with a pleasurable anticipation that only made sense to those who knew the God of War well. Kenshin slid his own blade from its sheath, holding it casually in hand. Sasuke's stoic expression barely changed, only a slight raising of one eyebrow conveyed any emotion at all.

"Oh? Do I have your attention now?"

Without any hesitation, Sasuke attacked, his blade ringing off the steel of Kenshin's sword as his strike was blocked. The pair traded blows, not bothering to hold back and looking for all the world as if they were sincerely trying to kill each other. Swords crossed again, the two men practically nose to nose as they each tried to push the other back.

"What's eating you, Kenshin?"

The God of War looked confused for a second before giving a mighty shove, pushing Sasuke away and freeing their blades from the deadlock.

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