Chapter 42: Eye of the Storm

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"My room."

Excuse me? His room? Wait...HIS room??

It took me a few seconds to process the information, my mind not quite believing what I was hearing. Instantly, my body reacted to the news, my heartbeat taking a leap in my chest, and excitement pooling low in my body. I was having more than just mixed emotions. He couldn't possibly be thinking.....nah. What the hell am I thinking? This is Kenshin we are talking about.... Mr. Self Control in the flesh.

We continued down the walkway and into the central building once more, deep within the keep. We stopped at a doorway, almost nondescript in appearance. So much so, that if my whole body wasn't on a tense alert I would probably never remember how to get here. Kenshin slid open the door and ushered me in. I took a couple steps and turned to face him, not really looking around the room we just entered.

Is it just me, or does he seem upset or something? As I watched, Kenshin slowly closed the door, and I certainly didn't miss the tell-tale 'snick' of the lock. It is truly amazing how such a little sound can have such a profound effect on my sanity. My eyes went to his face, trying to ascertain his motives, and hoping to God that I'll finally be able to get rid of this damn sexual frustration I've been dealing with.

"Kenshin? What's wrong?"

The look on his face was one I had never seen before. He looked completely exhausted. Has he even been sleeping? I can understand trying to get everything together for his little war, but I can't see it being a good idea to neglect your health when you're going to be putting your life on the line soon.

"Nothing. I...just feel like taking a break is all." Kenshin walked past me and into the room proper, stopping and sitting down on the edge of an expansive futon. "Sit down with me."

The flutter of butterflies in my stomach suddenly turned into a storm as Kenshin patted the bedding next to him. Oh hell yeah. It took a whole lot of self-control on my part to keep from running across the room and diving into the covers next to him.

I had a soft smile across my face as I walked over, tucked the folds of my kimono under me and sat down where Kenshin had indicated. That simple act of obedience made a world of difference as Kenshin instantly seemed far more relaxed than he had been. Did he seriously think I would reject him?

"It was very nice of you to take the time to show me around today when everyone is so busy getting ready to leave." That was an understatement. The place is huge and we had to have been walking around for a couple hours at least. I looked over at his silent face, and while he was more relaxed than he had been, it was one of the rare times where I couldn't read him.

"Now that our tour is over, did you want me to go back to the cell?"

I had to ask. Not that I wanted to go back just yet, but it really wasn't my decision to make. Personally, I'd rather say here with Kenshin.

"No." He shook his head, and it didn't seem like he was all that sure what to do next himself. "Stay here." I found myself completely fascinated by his eyes, and their focus on me. "If you want to do something, you could help me relax..."

Relax, huh? The last thing I felt like doing right now was relaxing, and I highly doubt I'd be able to right now, as high strung as I currently felt. Kenshin's eyes drifted from my face to my lap and back up again. Really? My eyes narrowed just slightly as I realized what he might be thinking.

"Let me put my head in your lap."

Alright, he invites me to his room and wants to use me as a pillow? What is with Sengoku Warlords and wanting to sleep in a woman's lap? He didn't have to say anything more. I could just tell by the look, but I can think of a hell of a lot better ways to use his head in my lap and it wouldn't be sleeping....

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