Chapter 13: Sword Princess of the Oda

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The silence was oppressive as Lord Nobunaga stared me down, a cold calculating look crossing through his chocolate eyes. I saw the spark the minute he made up his mind, and I almost gasped in relief.

"Very well. Your offer intrigues me, Fireball." He gave me a slightly amused smile. "It does make me wonder at your motives.." I cocked my head to the side, studying him.

"Would you believe me if I said I was covering my bases?" I gave a little chuckle at that and a tiny smile graced my lips. Nobunaga gestured for me to stand as he answered.

"I would indeed. You wear your emotions on your face for all to see, and you seem incapable of lying convincingly." I stood, brushing dirt from my knee, the sword still gripped tightly in my hand.

"I don't know if I should be happy or upset about that little observation..." my face twisted into a little frown. Masamune put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and gave it a quick pat.

"Take it as a compliment, Lass."

"I would however, like to make a request of you, Alexis." I was surprised by the wording from Nobunaga, but his tone of voice was as commanding as ever. "I would ask that you do not wear your sword openly in town. While it is impossible to keep your presence and abilities hidden, I would prefer to have it remain a bit of a surprise to our enemies."

Nobunaga looked up at that, and I followed his gaze with my own. The walkways of the upper levels of the buildings around the courtyard were covered in people. I knew I had had an audience, but I didn't realize we had been being watched by the entire castle. Well, in my defense I was preoccupied. Nobunaga stared up at the throng of humanity gathered to watch us, and gestured to me as he shouted in a booming voice.

"I give you the Sword Princess of the Oda!" Oh, jeeze. I couldn't help my face coloring as the sound of cheers and whistles erupted from the group.

"Come on, wave! " Mitsunari prodded me gently in the ribs until I looked up and held the sword in its sheath above my head, using it as a salute.

With a look of supreme satisfaction Nobunaga addressed us as a group.

"Get your information and reports together. War council convenes in the morning and I expect you all to be present." With that, the Lord of the castle left us, each in a different state of mind. Hideyoshi looked up at the castle workers.

"Alright everyone! Shows over! Back to work!" And the crowd dispersed in an instant. I looked after the retreating back of Nobunaga and murmured almost to myself.

"Why do I get the feeling I just made MORE work for myself..."

"Cause you did, Idiot." The dry monotone of Ieyasu as he passed by me hit my ears.

"I wasn't asking you..."

"Well, I for one would love to test out your skills for myself." Masamune's blue eye sparkled with interest and honesty. "It looked like you were having fun." I couldn't help the instant smile that bloomed.

"I was, and I'm willing to still play if you're game." The smile turned to a smirk in an instant. "Although it would probably be better to switch to Shinai." I referred to the wooden practice swords used usually in sparring and competition. "Then I can actually beat your ass and not feel bad about it."

"Well I for one have things I must get done. I leave you to it." Mitsuhide coolly waved and wandered off to whatever hole he crawled out of. The guy still gives me the creeps.

"Masamune, I know you have things you need to do. You don't need to be playing around." Hideyoshi went into Mom mode in an instant.

"I wouldn't mind watching if not actually sparring." Mitsunari looked at us with that beautiful angelic smile. I think I'd have a hard time hitting him. He's too pretty. I mean Ieyasu is also, but he is such a punk that its much less of a problem. Mitsunari on the other hand, well it would feel like beating up a kitten.

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