Chapter 39: As the World Turns....

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                             life as a bad Japanese soap opera....

I stretched, my arms held high above my head, fingers interlaced. I moved my body from side to side stretching my abs and old wound before dropping my hands to my sides with a sigh. I was almost ready to give up on Kenshin yesterday, my fractured emotions unwilling to be damaged further. Then he went and did something so sweet, taking me out to view the moon. I seriously have no idea what exactly to think. My emotions were in such a tangle yesterday, and they don't exactly feel like this is going to resolve itself soon. Damn.

I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a clean kimono before heading behind the privacy screen to clean up at the wash stand. I was lost in my thoughts as I cleaned up for the day, resolving to get a bath after my workout tonight. Not to mention getting my kimpo's cleaned so that I don't need to borrow a Hakama from one of the guys.

The hakama is almost like a very loose flowing pair of pants, and the nearest modern comparison would be a skort that goes down to the ankles. Hmmm. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make that for myself after all. I finished my morning ablutions and dressed in a pretty, clean kimono in a dark green silk, putting my hair partially up with the small hair sticks and my new favorite hair decorations that doubled as my lock picks and a backup weapon.

It was still early, and I hadn't seen anyone yet. Regardless, I needed to check up on Takumi, and change the dressing on his arm. I tucked the dagger into my obi, and moved the medical kit closer to the cell door. I'd really gotten good at picking the lock, and the cell was open almost as quickly as a thought. I took my stuff, left the cell door open and went down the short distance to where Takumi was being held.

"Morning, Takumi." I guess I walk extremely quietly because the wounded man nearly jumped out of his skin, and I couldn't help the huge grin at his reaction. He took a minute to gather himself before addressing me, sounding a bit put out by my arrival.

"I didn't expect to see you again."

"You know I'm only a couple cells down from you." I looked at him through the bars as he sat on the floor of the cell. I set things down, quickly picking the lock and bringing the medical kit with me before closing the door. As much as I feel for the wounded man in front of me, I'm willing to bet that Kenshin would still have my head if I let Takumi escape. Takumi stared at me, his dark eyes cautious, still not willing to trust me. I can't really blame the guy. I mean, I was fully prepared to kill him myself just the other day.

Takumi shrugged a bit as I kneeled down close to him, opening the box of supplies. I looked at him closely, attempting to read his expression as I questioned him.

"Are you able to move the shoulder at all?" 

Takumi nodded, his hair falling slightly into his face as I moved closer. I poked and prodded his shoulder, testing grip strength and resistance, and it didn't seem like there were any tears in the rotator cuff, but without an MRI there was no way to really tell. He was just going to have to wait and see for that aspect. He's young and healthy though, and in good shape, so with any luck, he'll heal up just fine.

Satisfied with the shoulder, I unwrapped the bandage over the stitches in the skin on his bicep, checking for signs of infection. The area around the wound was cool to the touch, so at least it was so far so good with that part.

"Any fever or chills?"

Takumi shook his head in the negative, watching me work. Suddenly, I felt him stiffen, going tense and looking toward the outside of the cell. It was only after he had noticed that I heard Sasuke's voice.

"Alexis??" Sasuke sounded surprised, and more than a little concerned.

Damn. Looks like I didn't finish quick enough. I gave a quick prayer to whatever God happened to be in the vicinity, that please, please let Kenshin be absent.

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